
Top 10 dishes and drinks that are sure to get rid of an alcoholic hangover

The celebration of the New Year usually ends with a severe headache and general malaise. The festive punch, sweet cocktails and many "takratki", which we enjoyed the night before, turn into a real horror in the morning. To make the start of 2015 as pleasant as possible, we have prepared a list of dishes and drinks for everyone who looked too deeply into the glass for the New Year, which are sure to chase away an unpleasant alcoholic hangover.

On a crumpled New Year's morning, let's forget the saying "a wedge beats a wedge" and the myth that the most successful cure for an alcoholic hangover is fatty food. Let's choose from the top 10 healthy dishes and drinks, which return to our body all the necessary vitamins and minerals that we lost during mindless drinking.

1. Water

Elixir of life should be our number one on a squishy morning. As a diuretic, alcohol rapidly removes water from the body, causing a severe headache that can only be relieved by water.

2. Isotonic

Sports drinks comfort our squished bodies with fluids and necessary electrolytes. Let's avoid sweets.

3. Coconut water

Coconut water is a natural isotonic. It contains naturally occurring electrolytes, mainly potassium, calcium and sodium, as well as many other substances with antioxidant activity.

4. Fruit juice

Natural fruit juice with a lot of added (coconut) water flushes toxins from our body and provides hydration to the body.

5. Ginger tea

Ginger tea naturally relieves nausea and provides the body with the necessary fluid.

6. Bananas + kiwi + spinach

Bananas contain a lot of potassium, which is considered one of the most important electrolytes that alcohol flushes out of our bodies. Kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C, which our body needs after a good night's sleep. Spinach contains dozens of different types of flavonoids, and it is also rich in carotenoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Blend it with bananas and kiwi into a healthy "detox" smoothie that will ward off an alcoholic hangover.

7. Eggs

Eggs are a biologically complete food with great nutritional value. They are a perfect product of nature, as they contain all the nutrients that our liver needs "the day after".

8. Homemade soup

Homemade soup with noodles eliminates hangovers "in the blink of an eye". Water, salt, chicken, homemade noodles and vegetables are a complete meal with a high content of the amino acid cysteine, which is necessary for the regeneration of our liver.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains folic acid, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important in maintaining our health. Let's add fruit and yogurt to them and enjoy the "breakfast of champions".

10. Tomato

Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which has exceptional healing power – it prevents inflammation and successfully fights cancer. On a busy morning, we prepare tomato soup, pasta with doubled tomato sauce and tomato juice (without vodka).

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