
An unusual proposal: He proposed to her 148 times, but she did not. And then …

An unusual proposal

Is this the strangest proposal in history? There are so many incredibly innovative ways to propose online that it's hard to come up with something new. Ray Smith was looking for a romantic way to propose to his pregnant girlfriend when he had an idea that no one else had ever thought of. He secretly proposed to her as many as 148 times before he proposed for real on Christmas Eve. See how he did it.

An unusual proposal, which will touch your heart. Ray Smith he made use of a very interesting proposal. my girlfriend Claire Bramley, he first proposed as many as 148 times, before then on Christmas Eve he proposed to her for real, his and he recorded secret proposals with selfies. Together with his wife-to-be (yes, she finally said 'yes') he filmed everything every day since July 2015, and he imperceptibly included an inscription on a piece of paper (or otherwise) in the frame 'Would you marry me?' ("Will you marry me?"). So that she wouldn't suspect anything, he sold her a story to document hers pregnancy.

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Ray initially wanted to propose to Claire on a balloon, but then came the pregnancy news, which required a different script. He needed a new idea. He went online to search for unusual ideas, but eventually got his own. You can see his in the video devotion, i.e. photos where, in addition to Claire, he also included the inscription 'Would you marry me', without her knowing it. Well, they've been engaged since Christmas.

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