
Recipe: A warm gin and tonic that warms better than hot tea

Photo: Envato

In summer, we prefer cold, refreshing drinks, but in autumn, when the days are getting colder, we prefer to reach for something warm. However, this does not mean that you have to give up cocktails - we have prepared a recipe for a warm gin and tonic that will warm both your body and your heart.

Special version gin and tonic, reserved for cooler days, has one secret ingredient: cider. Autumn is the season when many types of apples with wonderful flavors ripen. The aroma of this fruit goes perfectly with gin and tonic, so this drink is a great idea for sitting on the terrace while chatting with your loved ones.

Photo: Envato


  • 60 ml of gin
  • 30 ml of cider
  • 100 ml of tonic
  • 1 orange peel
  • 1 lemon peel
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • ginger as desired
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 1 slice of apple or orange


Place the cinnamon stick, orange and lemon peel and, if desired, 2 teaspoons of grated ginger in a large bowl. Pour over the cider and place the pan on low heat. Cook for 10-15 minutes to infuse the flavors. Stir in the honey and strain the mixture into a pitcher.

Pour into glasses that you previously filled with gin and tonic (the tonic should be twice as much as the gin). Garnish with a slice of apple or orange and enjoy.

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