
WATERLOVT – a luxurious and self-sufficient floating house

Waterlovt - a floating house - comes from the Netherlands, where the tradition of building houses on water is woven into the epigenesis of craftsmen and engineers. Namely, water is an undeniable fact of the local nature, against which they fight successfully in one way or another. Why not use this knowledge to create a wonderful ambiance right on the water?!

Even if it would Waterloot placed on land, it would definitely fall out magnificent, but when we put it in water, we get the romance of being in a completely atypical environment. Imagine waking up on a river. That the dynamics of the view through the window can be like this today, and different at other times.

House on the water. Definitely a romantic weekend!
House on the water. Definitely a romantic weekend!

Waterloot it starts with the idea of living on the water, which has many advantages, and continues in a home that is completely self-sufficient in every way. The steel structure, which is surrounded by wood and a lot of glass, is technologically superior in every respect. You will obtain electricity from solar collectors and micro power plants on the underwater part of the hull. You will draw water right from the river and clean it with filters so that it is usable and drinkable. Of course, the home offered by Waterlovt is smart and fully automated. It is available in different sizes. From 90 to 240 square meters.

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