
What is bad karma and how to get rid of it?

Photo: Arash Payam / Unsplash

We have probably all asked ourselves the question: "Why does this always happen to me?" Of course, the answer is not simple! There are many possible reasons why we find ourselves in a vicious circle, and our bad karma has something to do with it all.

What is karma?

Karma comes from ancient times and means work or action. The universal law of karma governs the principle of cause and effect. This is about the positive and negative effects of our actions, words and thoughts. Negative karma you can get from negative thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions. If you constantly have bad thoughts and do bad things, it will come back into your life.

Photo: Dev Asangbam / Unsplash

How to reduce your negative karma?

As mentioned earlier, there is negative and positive karma, but our human nature constantly forces us to focus on our hardships and problems. If you want to avoid bad karma, you have to avoid negative thoughts and actions. It's about reprogramming what's in your soul and then dealing with your negative ego.

Photo: Omid Armin / Unsplash

The process of reducing negative karma also includes changing our outlook on life and our thinking. Through life you can decide which path you will choose, you can let go of negative reactions and actions or not. It is important to know that we don't have to get rid of karmic burdens in one day, it has to be done throughout life. Of course you can focus on good karmic ties such as gratitude, kindness, patience, optimism….

Photo: Shashi Chaturvedula/Unsplash

Why do we have to deal with negative karma?

This process is like a ritual of cleansing your soul. You can help yourself with positive intention meditation. A lot of practice with meditation and relaxation can lead to comfort and positive energy, and with it a lot of new ideas and inspiration for lifestyle changes. Our negative experiences give us the opportunity to learn and grow from them. In such situations, it is best to change habits immediately, even if it sometimes seems impossible.

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