
When is the best part of the day to make love for her and when is it for him?

Photo: Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

Sexologists have long established that the sexual satisfaction of men and women largely depends on what part of the day they have sex. Therefore, before you start seducing your partner, see what time of the day you have the best chances for complete pleasure.

"Do not take the intimate biorhythm for granted, because we are not machines. If your partner rejects you, it does not mean that he does not love you. His libido may be "on hiatus," says German sexologist Peter Platz

In women, sexual desire is influenced by sex hormones that are released during the menstrual cycle. The data show that single women are more active in the initial phase of the cycle, when estradiol controls the maturation of eggs in the ovaries. Those in serious relationships, however, are more active when progesterone levels are highest, which is at the beginning and end of the cycle.

Let's see what happens with the female and male biorhythms. When are they aligned for complete pleasure in intimacy?

Between 6 and 8 o'clock

Her: Although she is awake, her body is not yet ready for intimacy. The melatonin level is still too high, and the body temperature has not risen enough. A woman will enjoy it if her partner starts to wake her up with kisses, but you should never skip foreplay. Let everything go gently and slowly.

He: Sexual arousal is at its peak because a man needs energy for a new day. A woman cannot expect anything from him other than quick sex.

Between 8 and 10 o'clock

Her: The woman is now fully awake and ready for sex, because at this time the endorphin level rises sharply and she gets aroused more easily and quickly.

He: His thoughts are already on work. A man's testosterone level is already declining and somewhat normalizing at this point, so it would be more difficult for him to rally for action.

Between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m

She: Women's palates are very sharp right now, so now is the ideal time for oral sex.

Him: A man spends all his time thinking. Which means that he prefers to think about sexuality rather than take a concrete step towards making something actually happen.

Between 12:00 and 14:00

Her: A woman's productivity reaches its peak at this time, but her activities then have nothing to do with sexuality. At this stage, it will be difficult for her to relax and focus on her.

Him: The man is in the mood for sexual games. However, its implementation largely depends on the mood of the woman and her passion. If she is ready to give herself completely to him, he will do his best to satisfy her.

Between 2 and 4 p.m

She: The female reproductive organs are fully prepared for conception at this moment. The woman is not in the mood for long lovemaking. She is ready for quick sex, with a dash of sadomasochistic pleasure.

Him: The sperm produced in a man's body are of the highest quality around four in the afternoon. That's why this is an ideal time for anyone planning to start or grow a family.

Between 4 and 6 p.m

She: Most women aren't the best at making love. If so, they would only agree to a quick relationship.

He: The man is ready for action, but at this moment he is not ready for a long sexual relationship either, he would also like a quick performance that would drive away his stress and negative energy.

Between 18:00 and 20:00

She: Dinner time is the time when a woman has to make up for her lack of energy. The sensory nerve endings in her ears are at their most sensitive right now, so she'll enjoy it if you whisper in her ear.

He: His thoughts are more on dinner and rest than on sex, so making love is not on the cards.

Between 8 and 10 p.m

Her: This is the best time to go to bed and have some tenderness. Evening hours bring relaxation, women are more rested and relaxed, so they often take the initiative, to which men respond with enthusiasm.

He: At this moment, the man is ready to go one step further and fulfill his partner's every wish.

This is the best part of the day for making love, when both partners have the most energy for bed pleasures. Their sexual clock beats in the same rhythm.

Between 10 pm and midnight

She: A woman's melatonin level rises sharply and her body slowly falls into a deep sleep around midnight. Even if she is awake, she has no need for sex.

He: The man feels completely relaxed, even though he is not yet asleep. He might be ready for a long, slow love-making. He wants to release the rest of his energy so that he can fall asleep peacefully and soundly.

Between midnight and 8 o'clock

She: Her body needs rest. Many women who have not climaxed before have experienced it when they made love when they were almost asleep. Why, because they completely relaxed.

He: The man is in a deep sleep at this time and you should try very hard to wake him up and convince him to have sex.

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