
When to brush your teeth - before or after your morning coffee?

advice from dentists

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered if it's better to drink your morning coffee or brush your teeth first? Some people swear by coffee right after waking up, while others won't even think about it until after brushing their teeth. And what is better? When do you brush your teeth - before or after your morning coffee?

Dentists have revealed to us when you feel better brush teeth.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world, enjoyed by many immediately after waking up. While many of us perform this routine automatically, you may be wondering, when is the best time to brush your teeth - before or after your morning coffee?

Many people enjoy the morning ritual of drinking coffee, as it can help them relax and prepare for the start of the day. Finally, coffee has a taste and smell that can be very appealing and can help people start the day with good mood and positive energy.

When to brush your teeth - before or after your morning coffee?

If you look at the science, the answer will be clear – brush your teeth first and only then drink coffee.

This is because brushing removes bacteria and plaque that build up while you sleep, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

When do you brush your teeth, before or after coffee? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

In addition, when you brush your teeth, you also remove the acidic substances that accumulate in the mouth during sleep. If you drank coffee first, you would increase the acidity and thus increase the risk of damage to tooth enamel.

However, this does not mean that you cannot brush your teeth again after coffee.

Although not recommended immediately after coffee, you can brush your teeth approx 30 minutes after drinking coffee. During this time, the acidity in the mouth decreases, so it is safe for the teeth to brush them.

Enjoy your coffee! Photo: Drew Coffman/Unsplash

In addition, brushing your teeth after coffee will help remove any bad breath and improve your oral hygiene.

It should be emphasized that regular brushing and oral hygiene is vital to the health of your teeth and gums, regardless of whether you drink coffee or not.

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