
Where to this weekend? #33

After wandering around the world, exploring unknown corners and hunting for unforgettable festival moments outside our borders, in the second half of the holidays, in the middle of fresh summer days, there are also urban festivals in the heart of the capital or in its immediate vicinity.


At the beginning of the week, we thus triumphantly entered another one Thornfest, and we conclude it with its events and beginnings Camfest. This is the first weekend event package for both festivals. In Trnov we will celebrate Drobež's 60th anniversary with a concert with guitarist Bojan Drobež, and Kamnik will come alive with the band Kultur Shock, a cinema, an exhibition, the Festival of Beer and Tastes of Kamnik and a rich program that will last until August 17.


But there is still a long way to go until August 17, as well as until the end of the month, when this year's 23rd Trnfest festival will end with the Emonska Promenade. So that we won't just wander the streets of Ljubljana this weekend, we are invited to Maribor with the children, where we will be in the most fun company at the festival Summer dock met Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood, Naughty Goats and many fairy tale and fantasy characters. In the afternoon, we can say goodbye to the many workshops and charming shows and take a walk around Škofja Loka between 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., which will be of LUFt overflowing with unique products, clothes to exchange and culinary delights, and in the evenings the streets will also be filled with indispensable music.


Sunday should be active, as we are used to. We use this trip at the weekend to jump into Lake Bohinj and search for hidden beaches by canoe, but sometimes we can also go to one of the nearby mountains for sour milk. But Sunday in Bohinj will also be a day for die-hard volleyball players, as it promises to be 4. Bohinj beach volleyball tour, which we can attend with our team.
And where in the evening? A cinema without a ceiling, in the courtyard of the Ptuj Castle, invites you to watch the film Neskončna lepota at 9:00 p.m., which, among other things, won the Oscar for the best foreign language film.

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