
Why do you gain weight? These are 10 surprising eating habits that will make you fat!

Why do you breed?

Zakaj se redite?
Photo: envato elements

Why do you breed? These are the invisible culprits sabotaging your healthy weight loss efforts.

Sometimes the secret to losing weight is hidden in the details. You are probably on a diet, exercise regularly and try to limit your pleasures. But why do you breed? Here are 10 eating habits that may be taking away your weight loss power and how to change them.

Why do you breed? – We present to you the culprits that you must eliminate for successful weight loss.

Fast food: Take your time with your meal. It takes about 20 minutes to feel full, so you can eat too many calories too quickly. Tip: Try putting down your fork, talking to a loved one or drinking a glass of water between meals.

Photo: envato elements

Insufficient hydration: Feeling hungry can be a sign of dehydration. Tip: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily. If you weigh 100 kg, you should drink about 2267 ml of water.

Eating in social situations: Food intake can be difficult to control at parties or gatherings. Tip: Drink plenty of water and eat consciously, always listen to your body's signals.

Use of large plates: Large plates can trick your brain into thinking you're eating less than you actually are. Tip: Use smaller plates and wait 20 minutes before having another portion.

Mindless and unconscious eating: Mindless eating while watching TV or browsing the phone leads to overeating. Tip: Avoid distractions during a meal so that you can better perceive the feeling of satiety.


Drinking calories: Liquids do not give the feeling of satiety that food does. Tip: Limit your intake of caloric beverages such as alcohol, sweetened teas, sodas and fruit juices.

Lack of protein or fiber: Proteins and fibers fill us up for a longer period. Tip: Include more protein and fiber in your diet with foods such as legumes, broccoli, apples, whole grains, lean meats, eggs, nuts and yogurt.

Too many "healthy" fats: Nuts, avocados, and fatty fish like salmon are full of healthy fats, but they're also high in calories. Tip: Moderation is key with healthy fats. This could be one serving of fat per meal. An example of a serving is two tablespoons of avocado or 1.5 teaspoons of peanut butter.


Too many extras: Adding sugar or milk to coffee, using sauces and salad dressings can quickly exceed your daily calorie intake. Tip: Try to reduce the amount of additives you add to food and drink. Use fewer toppings and sauces or measure them carefully.

Photo: envato elements

Eating without a plan: Random eating without a plan leads to impulsive eating. Tip: Create a regular eating schedule and stick to it. Take some time at the end of the week to plan for the week ahead.

Moderation and awareness are key to dietary management. Talk to your doctor about developing an eating plan that works best for you. By being aware of your eating habits, you can effectively manage your weight and feel better about your body.

We always emphasize that "prevention is better than cure". With a little more awareness of your diet and a few simple changes, you can effectively manage your weight and feel better about your body.

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