
Why is it not good to sleep with wet hair?

Photo: envato

How many times have you been unable to dry your hair and slept through the night with wet hair? Let's see why it is not good to sleep with wet hair!

Professional hairdressers have listed the reasons why it is not good to sleep with wet hair.

Why is it not good to sleep with wet hair?

The habit of sleeping with wet hair can cause serious hair breakage; a moist environment is suitable for the reproduction of fungi, and there is also the possibility of dandruff and dermatitis, acne and fungal ringworm on the head.

These ringworms on the scalp are rashes caused by a fungal infection that causes the scalp to itch and peel. Of course, in extreme situations, the infection can even cause hair loss

Wet hair and sleep are not a good combination. Photo: Craig Adderley / Pexels

How to protect hair and scalp?

Use coconut oil

Coconut oil is known to protect hair from breakage. When hair is wet, it absorbs water and swells, making it more susceptible to damage. Coconut oil protects the hair from absorbing as much water, so the hair is less damaged when the oil is applied. However, this is not recommended if you have seborrheic dermatitis, as the oil can make the condition worse.

Balm is a must

Balm helps close the hair cuticle and makes combing easier. Bleached or chemically treated hair can benefit from regular application of conditioner.

Dry them! Photo: Nathan Cowley / Pexels

Dry and comb your hair as much as possible

Blow them at least a little with a hair dryer, then let them dry naturally. The less water you have in your hair, the more you will protect it and reduce the chance of damage. Be sure to untangle them before going to bed to avoid further damage.

Get silk pillowcases

Beauty influencers have been getting us to buy for a while now silk bedding for skin and hair. It is believed that silk is a natural material, so it is better for the skin because it dries less. Although there is no evidence that this is true, silk will help reduce the chance of damage if you sleep with wet hair.

In summary, it is ideal to go to bed with completely dry hair to reduce the risk of fungal infections and hair breakage. If you can't avoid sleeping with wet hair, reduce the risk - use coconut oil, conditioner and buy a silk pillowcase.

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