
Why it is necessary to break with relationships that do not make us happy

Is it time to end some relationships?

Photo: Envato

During our personal growth, there come times when the people around us no longer support and encourage us in what we do. This limits our development and slows down the process of our growth, so it is important to recognize such patterns, feel them and ask ourselves if it is time to break these relationships.

Accept the belief that we are parents and place of birth chosen before birth is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this can give us the feeling that it is easier to accept and understand the circumstances, but on the other hand, we need to know that we shape our own destiny and that we are responsible for our own lives. Instead of feeling guilty and hurt because we have a "bad fate", it is good to admit that it is not always like that. We cannot be jealous of people who are lucky in life, because they are not born under any lucky star, but they are responsible for their own lives and are obviously doing something better than those who have one problem after another.

Personal development

Anyone focused on personal development needs to get rid of it bad karmic patterns and everything bad that pushes a person down. If our family and partner members have influenced this subconsciously that we have to put up with certain things, this will most likely affect us and our self-image. Therefore, when we try to fix personal problems and grow into a better person, it will be more difficult for us to do so. The truth is that we no need to suffer anyone, which drags us down, even if it is our family member or partner. No one is responsible for our life but ourselves, and if we ask ourselves what the person is doing that is dragging us down, we will come up with an interesting answer.

Photo: Envato

A person who convinces us that sometimes we have to be patient and adapt even if we don't want to is not a person who would help us, but only takes his behavior and criticism further. These are not people who will criticize us in good faith and then help us become a better person, but they are people who will criticize and it will never end. Ask yourself, do you really need this in your life? Will you suffer something just because the person is close to us?

If you are happy with yourself, new doors can open for you, offering you new possibilities, new adventures and new people. It is very likely that some people will not like your achievement and know that these are definitely not the people who should be in your life.


When we change, we need support, because the balance between the old relationship we are leaving behind and the new one we are feeling makes us fragile. If this support is not available to us, we can seek support from an expert or open up to possible new support relationships, i.e. new people. Above all, it is important withstand exposure in relationships, which do not support new happiness and satisfaction. If we do not have support, it is even more important that we do not have people by our side who limit us on this journey, as we will have to stand on our own feet. This process is the hardest, but it also makes us the strongest.

Photo: Unsplash

Leaving relationships

Leaving relationships happens throughout life, sometimes some cases are easier, other times more difficult and it takes a long time to get over the situation. But sometimes the loss of a relationship is simply necessary to return to ourselves on a new level and to grow. This is necessary so that we can move forward into a life that inspires us and become better and stronger.

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