
Why what we want most often comes when we have already forgotten about it

Photo: Vinicius Wiesehofer / Unsplash

Sometimes you desperately want something, but the desire and action do not bring positive results. You may have done everything in practical terms to achieve what you wanted, but your efforts remain unrewarded.

Sometimes what you want can't come into your life because the timing isn't right or the universe has other plans for you, but often the main reason you don't get what you want is resistance.

Despair and negative thinking block everything you want. You can turn things around by channeling your energy into positive thoughts related to your desire.

You may be wondering, "But how can I resist if I'm trying so hard?!"

Although you may want something, a positive outcome may not be at the forefront of your mind. You're actually focusing on a flaw.
Strengthen what you are focused on.


When you really want something, think about why you need it. Think how bad your life is without it. Your energy is focused on your needs.

So, the translation of the message to the universe: "I didn't get what I needed" instead of thinking "I'm still manifesting my desire."
The Law of Attraction works by amplifying exactly what you focus on. When you focus on the fact that you need something, your need increases.

Realize that every time you focus your energy on your problems, you increase the likelihood of more problems arising.

So start looking at things differently. Consider the positive factors and stop thinking negatively. Despair and negative thinking block everything you want.

You can turn things around by channeling your energy into positive thoughts related to your desire. What you want most often comes when you "forget" about it, that is, when you are not tied to it.

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