
Wickedbone: Your dog's favorite toy

It has been known for some time that a dog is man's best friend. If you want it to stay that way, you need to give your pet a pleasant life and spend as much time as possible with it. But what to do when this is not feasible?

Wickedbone it is a smart interactive toy that provides the dog with emotional support during the owner's absence. The bone-shaped device enables two-way communication between you and your best friend via a smartphone app. In this way, you will be able to respond appropriately to the needs and actions of your dog.

The smart bone can be used in three different ways. The battery lasts for 40 minutes I'm driving, 4 hours in interactive and 3 months in I'm sleeping mode, and charge it with energy in just 60 minutes.

The owner responds to the emotions of the four-legged friends via smartphone. Wickedbone will announce in which of the 12 different states, such as angry, bored and satisfied, the dog is currently in.

The toy has two wheels, which are intended for movement. Wickedbone, whose movement you direct yourself, can therefore be used as a prop in a game of hunting.

The smart toy was created at a start-up company Cheerble, which focuses on making electronic devices for animals. You can support the project at Kickstarter.

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