
YO! Home: a small apartment that allows incredible metamorphosis

Yo! Home

YO! Home is a small apartment that allows incredible metamorphosis. It is a revolutionary way of using apartments, the concept of which has practically not changed since the beginning of their construction. Simon Woodroffea has already demonstrated the extremely economical use of space with the futuristic Yotel hotels, Yo! Home is a step further. It's a home that uses the mechanics we're used to on stage sets, which can quickly turn a single-apartment apartment into a multi-apartment apartment, into a living room, into a dining room, into a bedroom, into practically anything.

Simon Woodroffe is the father of a chain of conveyor belts and robots YO! Sushi and hotels Yotel and the former decorator of stage scenographies term groups, so his concept for housing Yo! Home, at which it is drew inspiration from stage sets, no wonder. Otherwise, the concept itself is nice corresponds to the idea of functionality, which nowadays more and more people with smaller apartments are looking for when furnishing. And Yo! Home is the perfect embodiment of both.

The coffee table folds down.
The coffee table folds down.

Woodroffe believes that luxury should be available to everyone, so he created financially accessible concept, which is both luxurious and extremely space-saving. Admittedly, his idea is not new, as manufacturers are competing with each other to see who can create more functional furniture, yet Yo! Home stands out.

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You can change the space in an instant from the living room with a spacious U sofa to the bedroom (elevating bed), mu you add a kitchen (hidden in a built-in wardrobe), there are storage spaces in places where you would not look (in the floor), and there is also sunken dining table (otherwise sit on the floor as in Japanese culture, which also inspired the design of the apartment, but you can have your legs stretched out normally, as space is created in the floor).

Everyone moving elements work automatically by pressing a button, but it is also possible to operate them manually (in case of power failure). Because the apartment Yo! Home modular apartment you can combine the individual elements as you wish.

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