
Yoga for children: 5 reasons why you should introduce yoga to the youngest

Photo: envato

Yoga is far from being reserved for adults only, check out why you should also introduce it to the youngest.

The epidemic of the new coronavirus has also greatly affected the lives of children, and increased levels of depression and anxiety and the increase in the number of overweight children are just some of the consequences. Yoga is one of the ways in which children can build their creativity, as well as self-image and a healthy attitude towards themselves.

A year ago, the first children's yoga fairy tale called Kačalinka Čalapinka, written by Anja Kralj Okorn. The story follows a snake with a sweet tooth who is looking for a friend, and its central message touches on the importance of self-acceptance or difference in society. The fairy tale stands out from all the others mainly because it encourages children to move in an innovative way through children's yoga positions.

Photo: Katja Jemec

"Some people practice yoga already with babies, but I myself started with my older daughter between the ages of 2 and 3. At that time, she was much more aware of her body, but I adapted everything to her concentration and interest. Her response was inspiring. This prompted me to create the fairy tale Kačalinka Čapalinka," explains Anja, a certified yoga practitioner, about the beginnings, who encourages children to move and calm down in an innovative way.

There are many beneficial effects that the practice of yoga contributes to the well-being of children. To name just a few:

Self image

There are many opportunities to create an ever-deepening bond with your child while practicing yoga postures. With older children, you can engage in a conversation about self-acceptance, and you can also encourage your teenagers to do the same. During puberty, we are all looking for our place under the sun, and with the help of yoga, we strengthen our self-confidence and self-image even more.

"I myself allowed my daughter to come up with individual yoga positions herself, which she did boosted her confidence and creativity. In doing so, of course, we praise the children for developing a positive attitude towards creation without limits and for not being afraid to present their own ideas and concepts," adds the author of the first yoga fairy tale.

Photo: Katja Jemec

Relaxation techniques

"Recently, I visited many libraries in Slovenia with Kačalinka, and as part of that, I prepared a series of related activities. I enriched the telling of Kačalinka's story with relaxing musical instruments, I combined them with different instruments and brought them closer to mindfulness and yoga through the game and the story. There was a lot of interest. The children enthusiastically participated, got active, and finally calmed down to the accompaniment of relaxing musical instruments, while also observing their own breathing," explains Anja, adding that children can be attracted to relaxation in a playful way.

Mobility and strength

Yoga positions strengthen muscle strength and improve mobility. "Let's say the position of the crocodile, which is mentioned in Kačalinka. Said crocodile works out by high-fiving his friends in a plank position. You have to really squeeze your abdominal muscles, which activates your whole body," explains the interlocutor.

Photo: Katja Jemec

Recognizing your own emotions

"Parents must first teach children to recognize and then accept emotions. Whether they are angry, lonely, sad... Kačalinka presents a wide range of emotions, from pleasant to less pleasant. It is important to let children know that they accept all emotions and allow themselves to feel even the less pleasant ones," agrees the creator and mother of two adorable girls. Yoga is an excellent starting point for talking about emotions and feelings, and according to research, it helps to regulate emotions better.

Memory and concentration

Memorizing yoga postures strengthens the child's memory, as well as concentration. "When I visited Slovenian libraries with Kačalinka, we included more active elements in reading, such as jumping, etc., but then in the next moment we had to focus again on listening or following the story. This is a big challenge for children. "Fairytale yoga helps them to strengthen their concentration," concludes the interlocutor.

Kačalinka's song

The author of the fairy tale enriched Kačalinka by collaborating with the musician Saša Vipotnik from the successful Ljubljana band AKA Neomi. Plod is the debut among the Slovenian children's yogic music offering - "Kačalinka pesem". Together with their parents, siblings and guardians, children sing and dance to the song themselves. The lovely song serves children who already know the fairy tale with an additional dimension of the experience, as the music is extremely attractive to them, and the choreography once again invites them to immerse themselves in the experience with their whole body. On the other hand, the video is helpful for parents and guardians who find yoga for children attractive and gladly accept the hand that leads them into this fun activity with many positive effects.

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