
Are you constantly hungry? 14 of the most common reasons why!

Photo: Icons8 Team / Unsplash

Do you feel like you're eating enough, but you feel hungry all the time? If you're worried about what could be wrong, don't worry. It is not necessarily a health problem - often it is just a sign that changes are needed in your diet or lifestyle. We have prepared for you the 14 most common reasons for the constant feeling of hunger, as well as ways you can help yourself.

1. You don't eat enough green vegetables

Green vegetables is a very important part of a balanced diet. It is rich in fibers, the lack of which can cause excessive hunger. So check if your diet might be lacking in fiber-rich foods, and if the answer is yes, make an effort to include them in your diet.

In addition to vegetables, they are also found in oatmeal, fruit such as for example citrus fruits, pears and strawberries, almonds, hazelnuts and whole grain bread. Fiber has many other beneficial effects on the body, including helping with digestive problems, high blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Are you eating enough vegetables? Photo: JerzyGorecki / Pixabay

2. You're not getting enough protein

They are also a very important part of a balanced diet proteins. They break down more slowly, so if you eat food rich in them, you will feel fuller for longer. They are found in a variety of foods such as meat, soybeans, full-fat cheese, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.

3. You eat too much sugar

Like alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, it can also be addictive sugar. Therefore, it is not strange if you are hungry just a few minutes after eating something sweet. If you want to reduce the craving for sweets, you need to reduce the intake of foods that are rich in sugars. In addition to getting rid of the constant feeling of hunger, this will also reduce your risk of obesity, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes.

4. While you are eating, you are distracted by other activities

While you are eating, you are distracted by other activities Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

If your lifestyle is busy and filled with many obligations, you probably don't take much time for a meal, or you tend to overeat while eating. engage in other activities, such as reading e-mails, replying to messages, preparing for work... Yes, this way you really save time, but your body and mind you cause stress and this can lead to an increased appetite. You may also end up taking in too many or too few calories because you can't realize it when you're in a rush amount of food, which you consume or recognize body signals, that you ate too little or too much.

That is why it is very important that, if possible, you are in favor of food you take your time, have a meal focus and put it down and mute electronic devices. This will make it easier for you to recognize when you are really full and you can really enjoy the delicious flavors.

5. You are under a lot of stress

Or is it stress your daily companion? Then don't be surprised if you are constantly hungry. Experts claim that stress can increases blood sugar levels, which causes a constant feeling of hunger. When we are under stress, we often reach for junk food, rich in fats and sugars, which does not contribute to proper digestion.

Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle is often rich in stress, but this does not mean that you have no possibility to reduce it. You can do this by taking something every day time, which is only for you and your relaxation. It also helps doing sports, meditation and maintaining a daily routine.

6. You are dehydrated

Enjoyment sufficient amounts of water, that means at least two liters a day, is important for our health, as well as for preventing overeating. Many times you may feel like you are hungry, but you actually are thirsty. That's why it's important to have control over how much water you drink. You can help yourself with this reminders on your phone and that you have carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Water is also a much better choice than Carbonated drinks, which are often rich in sugars.

7. You don't get enough sleep

Sleep is extremely important for our health. It enables our the brain and the immune system is working properly, but it is also associated with a reduced risk of chronical diseases.

In addition to other good effects, a sufficient amount of sleep also has positive effects on appetite. It helps regulate ghrelin, it is a hormone that stimulates the appetite. At the same time, it provides the appropriate level leptin, a hormone that promotes satiety. If you are constantly hungry, it is therefore a good idea to make sure that you sleep approx eight hours.

Lack of sleep can also lead to increased hunger Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

8. Your diet is low in fat

Fats they play a key role in maintaining satiety. You digest it for a longer time and it stays longer in your stomach. Fats also cause the release of various hormones that regulate satiety.

We used to believe that we would be fat gained weight, so many people avoided them. However, it is far from the truth. They are a necessary part of a balanced diet, and you can find them in many very healthy foods. These are, for example coconut oil, foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, avocado, olive oil and full-fat yogurt.

9. Exercise a lot

If often you play sports, that is, you burn more calories than those who spend most of the day in a sitting position. Therefore, it is quite normal that it is also higher calorie intake. You may have started recreation only a short time ago and have not changed the amount of food you eat. In this case, it is hunger a completely natural sign of the body, which tells you how much food it needs. Here we recommend that you increase your intake of foods that are rich in fibers, proteins and healthy fats.

Increased physical activity may be the cause of increased hunger Photo: Bruce Mars / Unsplash

10. You drink too much alcohol

Alcohol is known to increase appetite. Studies have shown that excessive drinking can suppress appetite-regulating hormones such as leptin, especially if you take it before or between meals. Also, alcohol affects the part of the brain that is responsible for your judgement and self control, which makes you eat more, no matter how hungry you are.

Because of this and many other effects on mental and physical health, we recommend it drinking in moderation respectively avoidance alcohol.

11. You take drugs that increase appetite

They exist medicines, the side effect of which can be an increase in appetite. Among them, the most common are certain antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers and corticosteroids.

If you suspect that the medications you are taking are causing your increased hunger, it is best to discuss this with your doctor and decide together how to proceed.

12. Get most of your calories from liquids

Do you get most of your calories from liquid food? Photo: Blue Bird / Pexels

Liquid and solid foods affect appetite differently. If you enjoy a lot liquid food, such as potions and soups, you will be hungry more often than you would be if you were getting most of your calories from solid foods.

One of the main reasons for this is the fact that digestion of liquid food faster and thus the feeling of hunger earlier. You'll also eat liquid food more quickly, and your brain may not have time to process it satiety signals. To avoid this, include it in your diet more solid, full-fledged foods.

13. You eat too fast

Speed, with which you eat can affect How long and how much you will be hungry. Several studies have shown that those who eat quickly have a greater appetite and tend to overeat between meals compared to those who eat more slowly. They are also more likely to overweight.

The reason lies in the fact that the faster we eat, the less time we chew and thus our brain has less time to acquire satiety signals.
Therefore, it is very important that you are in favor of meals you take enough time and you consciously eat more slowly and pay attention to how much you will eat.

14. It is a health problem

As we mentioned, most of the time the cause of increased hunger does not mean a serious health condition. However, it is always a good idea to ask your doctor for advice, especially if you did not find yourself in the previous 13 reasons. Frequent hunger is a classic sign diabetes, but it occurs due to elevated blood sugar levels. It is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive thirst, weight loss and fatigue.

A condition that is also characterized by a constant feeling of hunger is hyperthyroidism. In this syndrome, the thyroid gland is overactive, which leads to the excessive release of hormones that stimulate the appetite.

There are other conditions that can affect increased hunger depression and other mental illnesses and premenstrual syndrome. Regardless of which condition it is, it is good to detect it at an early stage and get treatment as soon as possible.

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