
Are you drinking bad coffee? Check when your favorite coffee is spoiled?!

Cold coffee is not good for your health?! Myth or truth!

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Photo by envato elements

Are you drinking bad coffee? Coffee, that magical drink that wakes us up and keeps us going throughout the day, is more than just a drink in our places – it's a ritual, a tradition, and for many of us, an essential fuel to start the day. However, when faced with the question of how long coffee can actually stay fresh and safe to drink, matters get complicated. Are you drinking bad coffee?

Let's start with the basics: once brewed, coffee begins an oxidation process that affects its taste. Heat, the presence of oxygen and light are the enemies of freshly brewed coffee, as they speed up this process. But what does this mean for us coffee lovers in practice?

Are you drinking bad coffee?

Coffee at room temperature: Time frame of freshness

According to experts, the freshness of coffee at room temperature starts to decrease after only 30 minutes. While the coffee may not immediately become unsafe to drink, it will lose much of its aroma and flavor, which for true coffee lovers means it's time for a new cup. However, if you are not picky about the taste and only the presence of caffeine is more important to you, then you can drink your coffee even after it has been aged for several hours, assuming of course that it has not been exposed to dairy products.

Photo: envato elements

Effect of milk on coffee durability

When milk or other dairy products are added to coffee, the rules of the game change. Such coffee requires a refrigerator if we do not intend to drink it immediately, as dairy products quickly become a hotbed of bacteria at room temperature. According to the USDA, refrigerated milk stays fresh for up to seven days, which gives us a rough time frame to safely consume refrigerated coffee with milk.

Coffee in the fridge: How long?

If we decide to store the brewed coffee in the refrigerator, it is crucial, to keep it in a hermetically sealed container. In this way, coffee can be safely consumed within three days without worrying too much about loss of quality or freshness.

Conclusion: When is it time for a new cup?

While drinking day-old coffee may not be ideal, it is not necessarily dangerous unless milk or other dairy products have been added to the coffee. It is important to always assess the condition of the coffee - if the appearance or smell of the coffee is suspicious, it is better to be careful and prepare a fresh cup.

Coffee it's more than just a drink; it is an experience shaped by taste, aroma and those special moments of peace in the morning. So if we want to enjoy to the maximum in your cup of coffee, it is best to follow a simple rule: drink coffee fresh, as it deserves.

Are you drinking bad coffee?

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