
Is your name Jožica?! According to many, these are the sexiest female names!

There are various lists of names circulating on the Internet! That's also why we decided to check which names are most often in the list of the sexiest female names in the world.

A name can be sexy! And it is certainly much easier for you in life if your name is sexy.

Do you have a sexy name?!
Do you have a sexy name?!

Can a name be sexy? Anyway! On the website babynamewizard.com, thousands of readers were asked to rate in the Namipedia section, how sexy certain female names are. And the leading ones are those with an Italian and French touch. Was your name on the list?

TOP 10 Global names with the sexiest sound

What about Slovenian names? Suggest a sexy Slovenian female name by commenting under the post on Facebook!

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