
10 effective ways to drive away a bad mood with positive vibes

Photo: Wendy Hero / Pexels

We've all been there: something nasty happens and we spend the rest of the day in a bad mood as a result. We don't know how to find a way out of it. Overcoming bad mood is not easy, but the only one who can overcome it is you.

There are days when you feel indifferent. You don't like anything, everything gets on your nerves, it seems that the whole world has turned against you. You can't do anything, the bad mood just blows out of you.
And there's no way you can shake those feelings.

Here are 10 proven ways to get back into the right positive vibes the next time you're in a bad mood.

1. Go for a walk

There are almost no problems that cannot be solved by a long walk. Whether it's the impact of fresh air, physical movement, feeling the sun on your face, or a combination of all, but whatever it is - it works. When you're in a bad mood, put on a sweatsuit and go outside. Surrender to positive vibes.

2. Find funny content

There is no better antidote to a bad mood than laughter. Find funny videos online and just laugh, laughter is contagious and your whole body will laugh with you.

3. Keep a journal

Start by writing down five things you like about yourself, then write down five things you're grateful for in your life, and then five good things that happened to you in the last 24 hours, no matter how they are small. Let's say: "I'm grateful for the morning coffee." Finally, write down five more things you are looking forward to.

4. Call a friend

Allow them to give you a new perspective on your problems. Sometimes it also helps if they just listen to you to put your mind at ease.

5. Meditate

When you're in a bad mood, it's so easy to let your mind race with negative thoughts and imagine the worst possible scenarios.
Take a moment for yourself and find your peace, so you can give yourself a chance to simply reset. Observe how you breathe. Inhale. Exhalation. Just a few minutes of proper breathing can be enough to start thinking in a different way.

Music is proven to improve your mood. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

6. Have a dance party - just for yourself

Did you wake up in a bad mood? Shake yourself off. Play your favorite songs. Turn up the blaba at full volume and sing. Have a dance. Allow your body to move to the rhythm of the music, no matter how you feel you will feel free and alive again.

7. Treat yourself to a candlelit bath

Sometimes you just need to change the little things and take some time for yourself. Light some candles, soak in a warm bubble bath, and allow yourself to melt into the space of relaxation.

8. Reserve something

We all have something to look forward to. And the feeling of excited anticipation can often be enough to pull us out of a bad mood. Book dinner at your favorite restaurant, or tickets to a show, maybe a vacation. Make small wishes come true at your fingertips, just book them.

9. Visualize

When you feel like you can't take it anymore. Close your eyes and just imagine how you spend your perfect day. Feel it in every detail, every smell and every sensation. Get through the day from start to finish. This is the first step to manifesting your perfect day and a great exercise to raise your vibration.

10. Prepare your favorite dessert

What is more relaxing than preparing your favorite pastry, when your whole house smells like a piece of heaven, and when you then enjoy the delicious flavors of strawberries, chocolate, cream. This is a surefire way to get out of a bad mood!

By accepting that bad moods are an inevitable part of life, you can instantly reduce the impact of bad moods on your life.

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