You might be that rare bird who gets up without an alarm as soon as the first ray of sunlight shines, but most still have trouble waking up early. If you too are suffering from this problem and want to finally solve it, here are some tricks that will help you wake up without any problems.
1. Small steps
The good news for all 'owls' and those who don't want to get up at dawn is that you can learn to love the morning. Already small changes in your routine they can help you feel better and full of energy. You will also sleep well when you need to, so it will not be difficult for you to get up early.
2. Remove the alarm clock
If you don't have an extra two hours to sleep, why move the alarm clock when it goes off? It certainly won't help you feel less tired. There is another reason why you should get up as soon as hear the sound of the alarm clock – if you get up at the same time every day, your internal clock will learn when it's time to wake up and it won't be a problem anymore.
Photo: Miriam Alonso / Pexels
3. Light
Exposure to light in the first 15 minutes of the day each day sends signals to the brain that it's time to wake up. Open the curtains and if there is no sun outside, the light inside the house will have the same effect. But if your goal is to get up early, then forget about blinds or blackout curtains and let the morning sun enter your room to wake you up as soon as you open your eyes.
4. Enjoy morning luxury
To avoid crawling under the sheets, plan something to do every morning you will be happy. Maybe it's browsing your favorite portal or a delicious breakfast, but definitely choose something that makes it easier for you to get up because it brings you pleasure.
Photo: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels
5. Enjoy with a cup of coffee
It is only possible to wake up because of the smell of coffee. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the central nervous system. It increases intellectual sharpness, prolongs alertness and delays the onset of fatigue. It improves visual perception and facilitates coordination during complex actions such as driving a car. However, excessive consumption of coffee can cause nervousness, anxiety and fear.
6. Get active
Morning jumping or just a brisk walk will help wake up your nervous system. You will be in a much better mood, not only in the morning, but throughout the day. You will also fall asleep easier at night, which automatically means that you will get up easier in the morning.
Photo: Campus/Pexels
7. Recharge yourself with energy
Let us repeat that it is breakfast is the most important meal of the day and provides the body with enough energy and protection for a day full of obligations. Protein is the main source of energy and stays in the body longer than carbohydrates and sugar, so in addition to increasing vitality, it is likely to reduce appetite. You can find protein in foods such as peanut butter, cheese, eggs or yogurt.
8. Turn off the light
Lights can disrupt the internal clock and reduce the level of melatonin in the blood, so it is most important that before you turn off the lights when you sleep and don't use digital screens. If this does not suit you at all, then dim all the lights at least an hour before going to bed. Blue light is a big enemy of melatonin. Research has shown that blue light, which broadcast by television screens, computers, tablets and mobile phones, reduces the secretion of melatonin, which makes it harder to fall asleep.
9. Skip the alcohol
Alcohol can make you sleepy, but it will also wake you up during the night, so you can wake up tired. If you really like wine before bed, it should be one glass, not three, and that a few hours before bed.
10. Melatonin level
Melatonin is a hormone that "calms down" all functions in the body. Its main role is to tell the body what time it is (or is it time to sleep) and thereby regulate the body's internal clock. Melatonin levels begin to rise about 2 hours before bedtime. That is why it is important to stick to a schedule and always go to bed at the same time, to ensure adequate melatonin secretion.