
10 daily habits with which we unknowingly harm our health tremendously!

Photo: Pexels

We all know the obvious habits and vices with which we extremely harm our health. But when you read our list, you will discover a bunch of amazing things about yourself that you need to change in your life immediately! In fact, we all do them without realizing how harmful they are to our health!

We may not realize it, but even many of the things we do so often have their own unhealthy side effects. This is especially true for those things that we repeat day after day, giving them time to have a negative impact on our health.

We may not realize it, but even many of the things we do so often have their own unhealthy side effects. This is especially true for those things that we repeat day after day, giving them time to have a negative impact on our health.

Use shampoo before conditioner


If we use the shampoo first and then the conditioner, it can actually make the hair oilier. If your hair also becomes greasy, flat or weighed down very quickly after washing, then it almost certainly is you're washing it wrong. It will be better if you use a conditioner for thin, dry or damaged hair before shampoo.

This is because the conditioner, if used before the shampoo, can acts as an "example" and protects our hair from being stripped of its natural oils. It also allows the shampoo to be distributed more evenly throughout the hair.

Lying in bed when we are awake


This is because you can make your own bed associated with stress and anxiety, when we can't sleep. Instead, let's move to another room for 20 minutes and do something relaxing, such as reading.

Extended sleep during the weekend

While we may feel the need to catch up on the sleep we lost during a busy week, it can actually makes us feel worse. This is because we mess up our internal clock, which makes it that much harder to wake up on Monday. In fact, this was also related with health problems, such as type 2 diabetes.

Instead, it is recommended that we wake up no more than one hour later than usual on weekends and take a short nap in the afternoon.

For the weekend, try to sleep the way you sleep during the week.

We wear a lot of makeup


This is especially true on hot days or, for example, at the gym when our face sweats. Make-up doesn't let it skin properly cooled, and they prevent the pores from draining sweat properly. This can be very unhealthy for our skin as it can cause diseases such as rosacea (chronic inflammatory skin disease).

We use cosmetic products in containers

This is because the product is more every time we open it exposed to air. Oxidation thus reduces its effects and the product ages faster.

There are also concerns about growth and bacterial contamination in containers, as creams are applied with fingers. Even using a smaller spatula can contaminate them, so it should be cleaned really well before each use.

We have been using the same beauty products for over 10+ years

Because it does the needs of our skin change over time, it's important to stay up to date with appropriate products and routines. For example, as we age, our skin becomes thinner, which means that we should start using products for sensitive skin and those that moisturize it well.

Our skin's needs change over time.

We use too much lip balm

Constant application of lip balm can be harmful to them as prevents the shedding of old skin cells. That's why it's important to exfoliate your lips to prevent the accumulation of dead cells.

In addition, there are concerns about toxin levels in lip products, which can directly enter our body through the mouth.

We pull the hairs from the nose

This removes the protective layer provided by the hairs in the nose, which means that we can more prone to allergies and asthma. In addition, plucking can cause the risk of skin infections, which can often be painful.

Daily intake of multivitamins

Our daily doses of vitamins in pills and capsules may not be as helpful as we first thought, as research shows that instead of protecting us from chronic disease, they may actually they harm. This is especially true for vitamins B7, which can interfere with some laboratory tests and cause complications.

You don't need a hundred and one nutritional supplements,

Regular visits to the dry cleaners

Although nothing compares to cleaning clothes at a dry cleaner, one of the most commonly used chemicals, trichlorethylene (TCE), is associated with serious health complications. It is associated with damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system.

Wearing flip flops

Despite their comfort, these flip flops can they harm our knees, back and hips. That's because it's essentially rubber that doesn't cushion the impact of walking, leaving us unprotected. Because we keep them on us with our toes, we can do this very burdensome, which leads to cramps.

Wearing skinny jeans

This iconic piece of wardrobe can actually it damages our muscles and blood flow and leads to health complications such as temporary paralysis. If you often squat or bend with them, they can appear swelling of muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

Skinny jeans can have negative effects on your health.

Eating apple seeds

This is because they contain a chemical called amygdalin, which releases a deadly chemical when it passes into the stomach cyanide. Since the amount of the chemical in the seeds is small, you would have to eat a huge amount of the seeds for it to be lethal (about 40 apple cores).

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