
13 Weight Loss Hacks That Will Make You Lose Weight Without Knowing When

Photo: envato

What helps with weight loss? In the fight against extra pounds, you focus on key factors such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity. However, there are other important aspects that you often forget about, but which can significantly affect your weight loss success.

What helps you and what often limits you at weight loss?

The budget, busy schedule and other daily obligations often prevent you from fully devoting yourself to your health and body shaping. However, don't despair as there are easy and affordable ways to achieve your weight loss goals without having to visit expensive gyms or become obsessed with special diets.

weight loss
Photo: envato

What tricks help you lose weight?

1. Use smaller plates

When you want to eat, choose a smaller plate. Even though you'll fill it up, a smaller plate will create the illusion that you're eating more when you're actually consuming less food.

2. Start using the stairs

It may seem intimidating, but climbing stairs is a great way to build fitness. Take the stairs instead of the elevator to get a free workout.

3. Don't eat while watching TV

When you eat, focus on your food and turn off the TV. Research shows that watching TV while eating increases calorie consumption because you are not paying attention to the food you are eating. Instead, take the time to be aware of the food you eat and enjoy every bite, without the distraction of TV, mobile devices, or anything else.

weight loss
Don't eat while watching TV. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

4. Start drinking soft drinks

Instead of high-calorie alcoholic drinks, opt for healthy, non-alcoholic drinks that will refresh you and speed up your metabolism.

5. Increase the duration of sleep

Lack of sleep can affect body weight, metabolism and increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. Make sure you get enough sleep, usually 6-8 hours a night. Quality sleep will contribute to greater energy and a slimmer figure.

6. Do not exclude your favorite sweets

Banning sweets can lead to even greater cravings for them. Instead, treat yourself to a small amount of your favorite sweet once a week to fill you up and reduce your cravings for such foods. If you find it difficult to give up sweets, try making healthy and low-calorie versions that are just as tasty.

7. Drink a glass of water before every meal

Hunger is often confused with thirst, so drink a glass of water before each meal to make sure you're not thirsty instead of hungry. In addition, a glass of water will fill your stomach a bit, which will reduce the amount of food you eat during a meal.

Make sure you move, even a walk is ok. Photo: Noelle Otto / Pexels

8. Fall in love with green tea

Treat yourself to coffee and cappuccino only on special occasions and focus on developing a taste for green tea. Green tea is known for its beneficial effects on weight loss, boosting metabolism and improving digestion. Start enjoying drinking green tea and indulge in its many health benefits.

9. Limit your visits to restaurants

When you go out to eat with friends or family, limit your restaurant visits to dinner. Portions in restaurants are often larger than what you would prepare at home, so try to prepare most of your meals at home, where you can control the amount of food you eat.

10. Enjoy your meals sitting down

Studies have shown that eating fast or eating while standing up can lead to higher calorie intake as we unconsciously eat more. Sit at the table, take your time and enjoy your meal. With this, you will eat more consciously, focus on the food and recognize the feeling of fullness more easily.

11. Pay attention to calorie intake from drinks

We often forget that we can get a lot of calories from the drinks we consume. Limit your consumption of low-calorie beverages such as sweetened coffees, sodas, and alcoholic beverages. Instead, choose water, unsweetened tea or refreshing low-calorie drinks.

Losing weight is not easy, it is a mental process. Photo: Pexels/Pixabay

12. Encourage movement by walking

If regular exercise in the gym is not convenient for you, try incorporating more walking into your daily routine. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to the grocery store, or go for a short walk around the neighborhood. Walking is an easy way to burn calories, strengthen your muscles and improve your overall health.

13. Choose clothes that give you confidence

Clothing should be an ally of your self-confidence and encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle. Choose clothes that fit you well and highlight your best features. This will make you feel better in your own skin and motivated to maintain healthy habits.

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