
16 ads that were in the wrong place at the wrong time

Ads follow us every step of the way. There is a whole science behind them, which includes everything from careful choice of words, visualization, sublimation, to placement in space or positions in the press. Yes, advertising is rarely left to chance. But it happens even to the best and ads end up in inappropriate places or locations. But they come to the realization of the (un)luckiness of the choice only after the coincidences take their toll.

Positioning is one that complements the meaning of advertising. Advertisement namely place in context, so that the target group can identify with it. And with ubiquity ads are exposed to dangers, as the fight for advertising space is a butcher's slaughter. That's why advertisers are always looking for new ones "territories", where you could address people. Sometimes it is combination lucky, sometimes it takes revenge on them, although not necessarily through their own fault. Coincidences cannot be predicted. Take a look at some such ads that have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Yes, no doubt it is honesty many ads questionable, but that you will be the latter honestly laughed, and there is no doubt about it.

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