
#173 City Magazine - Culinary Design

My kitchen can't exactly be a sanctuary in the house and a mirror of autumn, a season adorned with colors, and the tables are covered with delicacies that are the fruit of previous hard work and luck forged by the weather. You are welcome to read.

I also can't condition diligence on the fact that my refrigerator doesn't follows straight "natural norms" in order to be filled with seasonal produce, so unfortunately only the classics remain in it, such as e.g. milk, eggs, some canned tuna and my mother's homemade jam.

What a bore, you will say, but I can reluctantly agree and start with an explanation or pointless excuse that I just don't have time to fill it. Generally speaking, there is no one in my kitchen rattling dishes, creating wonderful aromas, singing soliloquies and praises, and claiming to be the best cook. To be honest, I'm a big hedonist at heart and I know how to enjoy good food, but that's about all I can say about the succession of culinary master genes that my genetic record is supposed to carry. I have to say that my father is the best "chef", who wields his sword like a knight in the kitchen, plays with spices like the greatest perfume masters, and creates images on the plate like Picasso's paintings. I can only attribute the blame for why my superior inherited gene did not develop to the fact that I did not have the opportunity or opportunity and insight into what was happening, because when "he" is cooking, the rest of us do not have access to his holy temple, because he says, that these are the secrets of the greatest masters, and also when you can finally enter, of course, not earlier than when the creator is immensely praised, all the plates are spread with bread and fingers are deliciously licked, you realize that a "bomb" has fallen into the kitchen. And if the father is a wizard of flavors who also surprises visually, the mother is a strategically well-versed general in tidying, stacking, sorting and creating space for new culinary adventures. You can read that even chefs deserve the image of an artist and that this is one of the more, if not the most exciting and interesting fields, if you continue to flip through the magazine, and above all, you will certainly be impressed by the knowledge that someone who is without talent, develop the ability to create original recipes and that the passion you feel is important in the first place. Since ancient times, it has been believed that food has a greater meaning and that the discovery of culinary creations is more an art of taste than the mere satisfaction of primary needs. The best stories and, of course, etiquette have always been and still are written in the kitchen, innovations give it a sense of the future, and design is the present, and above all, a sociological interest that fascinates and inspires. Let me whisper that I also try my best with the preparation and "cooking technique" and the appearance of my chocolatier.


#173 City Magazine - NOVEMBER 4 TO 18 by City Magazine

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