
The 5 most common reasons why you can't lose weight

Photo: envato

Anyone who has ever tried to lose extra pounds can agree that losing weight is not an easy and simple process. However, when you change unhealthy habits into healthy ones and move to a healthy weight, it will be completely clear to you why you did not give up. But what if you can't lose weight in any way, even though you try in every possible way? You are not the only one here either: we have prepared for you the 5 most common reasons that can cause your body weight to remain the same.

1. Instead of eating healthy, you go on crash diets

Fast diets they sound amazing - who could resist a month of suffering, followed by a lifetime of having the figure you've always wanted? But the truth is usually different. Not only that most crash diets are for your body unhealthy, as it does not contain all of them nutrients, which you need, but also has yo-yo effect. This means that your body will be as soon as you are on a diet stopped, previous weight reimbursed.
Instead of embarking on fast diets, consciously decide to healthy lifestyle. That doesn't mean you shouldn't candy and fast food afford never again, but that they will not be part of yours everyday. Your body will adapt to the new way of eating soon a habit and losing extra pounds in a healthy way, in which you there will be no need to starve.

Instead of fast diets, take care of healthy and quality meals Photo: Artem Podrez / Pexels

2. Fight overeating

One of the reasons why crash diets often don't work is overeating, which often accompanies them. If you have eaten almost nothing all day, it is completely normal, so that in the evening you won't be able to to keep. Instead of feeling guilty, let this be your motivation to replace fast diets with a balanced diet.
If you generally eat normally, the cause of overeating usually lies in lack or poor quality of sleep, or hiding in yours psyche. In this case, give it a try clear up, what could lead you to such a way of eating: for many, food serves as consolation or running away from one's own emotions. If you feel that you cannot solve this problem yourself, we recommend talking to experts.

3. You don't pay attention to what you eat and drink

If to this, how much you eat, you didn't attentive, it may happen too soon that you consume more than you spend. That doesn't mean you have to check calories on just about every product, but it will help you lose weight to get approximate feeling, how many calories you take into your body per day. Be especially careful when you reach for your favorite show a snack: when our thoughts are busy, we often sing more, as we planned. We also recommend that you choose snacks instead of sweets or chips fruit, vegetables or nuts.
Also pay attention to sweet, carbonated and alcoholic drinks: indeed, many of them are considered genuine hidden calorie bombs.

When our thoughts are focused on the screen, we will not pay attention to nutrition Photo: Sam Lion / Pexels

4. You don't play sports

Yes, food is in first place when it comes to losing weight. However, it is also very important recreation: you will consume calories with it spent faster, muscles, which you will develop at the same time, will also be your new body beautified. Sports will also have a positive effect on yours feeling, but at the same time it will allow you to without feeling guilty you eat a little more than you intended.
We suggest that you take up recreation, especially if you are not used to it slow and gradually. You can start with long walks, which you then change to slow running. Distance slowly increase, to make it easier for you, invite a friend or partner for a run. We also advise that tiring training you don't do on a daily basis, as the body needs rest for regeneration.

5. You're losing weight, but you can't tell on the scale

When playing sports you develop muscles, this will also be known on yours weighs. Therefore, you may think that at all you don't lose weight, but the truth is completely different: she changed the extra kilos muscle weight, to which you can be extremely proud.
It is for this reason that many experts advise you to follow the scale instead of the scale waist measurements, hips, thigh

Regular exercise will also shape your muscles Photo: Jonathan Borba / Pexels

Additional tip:

If you feel that your diet and lifestyle arranged and yes spend more calories than they eat you enter in the body, this may mean that the cause may be hiding elsewhere. Problems with losing weight can also mean symptom diabetes, improper functioning of the kidneys, various cardiovascular diseases... We suggest that, if you suspect them, you consult a doctor as soon as possible doctors.

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