
5 signs that you are still not over your ex-partner

Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

A breakup is considered one of life's most difficult trials. It is quite normal that after it you need some time to regroup and prepare for the challenges that still await you in life. Experts advise that before starting a new relationship, make sure that you have gotten over your ex-partner - only then will you be able to let the new person into your heart. In order to know if you have already succeeded, we have prepared for you 5 signs that show that you have not yet completely gotten over your ex-relationship.

1. Talk about him constantly

It's completely normal to remind from time to time on the ex-partner and moments, which they spent together. However, it is by no means a good sign if you feel the need to kept mentioning and everyone reminds you of it a trifle. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that tell your loved ones, but this suggests that it might not be the right time to get into a new relationship.

Are your thoughts filled with memories of him? Photo: Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels

2. Still trying to make contact

Yes, it's hard when the person we made plans with leaves common future. And yet: if you came to the realization that your relationship was too toxic, that your goals too they differ or the person has shown you that through actions it's not right for you, then we advise you to despite the heartache stop it- then instead of an ex-partner instead call a friend.
The same applies if the person has let you know that they are in a relationship with you doesn't want to: s constant calls you will only make the situation worse worsened.

3. You follow his social networks

We can all admit that we have relied on social networks persons who are no longer in our lives. And yet: the problem arises if the ex's profile keep checking and you know exactly where does he go, with whom make friends etc. Not only will you be in this way only hard to forget, but it may also happen that you will come across something that will please you even more hurt.
So do your best to focus on personal growth and leave the past behind.

Checking social media can hurt you even more oto: Ira Dulger / Pexels

4. Keep the memories of the relationship carefully

No, after the end of the relationship gifts and objects, which remind you of your ex-partner, you don't have to throw away. However, it is best to store them in special box, which you then save out of your field of vision– if you are going to waste your time with by looking at shared photos and memorabilia, your recovery will be more difficult. Instead, try your best employ: tackle your favourites hobbies, connect with old friends etc.

5. You are trying to make him jealous

Do you want to ex-partner after the end of the relationship to prove, that you are without him a lot happier? This is completely normal an emotional reaction, which you don't need to convert to reality. We definitely do not advise you to immediately go to date with a new person and make sure your ex does he notices– not only that it wouldn't be fair to your new chosen one, but it also wouldn't lead to results, which you want.

Remember that the relationship ended with reasons and that the best thing you can do is to ex-partner leave it, to get over you and get on recovery focus yourself too.

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