
5 steps to meditate if you have trouble concentrating

Photo: envato

More and more experts emphasize how important meditation is - not only when talking about our mental and physical health, but also to learn how to cope with stress and overcome anxiety. However, many people give up on meditation, blaming it on their concentration problems. That is why we have prepared 5 steps for you that will help you to meditate despite problems with focus and thus find the inner peace you so much deserve.

1. Cultivate positive thinking before meditation

This rule applies to just about everything challenges, which you undertake in your life. Before with the activity at all you start, be careful, what thoughts they take you over when you think of her. You have a feeling that meditation is for you too heavy, that it is intended only yogis, deeply connected with nature, that you it won't work, because you are not able to control your thoughts, that for her anyway you don't have time….
It is important that he thinks like that recognize and be with them face it. It has long been no longer true that not everyone could take up meditation, and even less that a rush of time is a good thing an excuse- some meditations only last 10 minutes. You'll also have a much better chance of success if you've already started on your own you don't underestimate.

Start meditation with positivity Photo: Yan Krukov / Pexels

2. Don't fight your thoughts, but accept them

You turned on some relaxing music, closed your eyes and… started thinking about everyone errands, which are still waiting for you? This in no way means that you have to deal with these thoughts to fight and be on top of yourself disappointed. Instead, say in your mind that you you realize and them you accept.
Instead of them you push away from yourself and be with them fight, simply identify them as part of your psyche and to themselves say lovingly, that now is not the time for anything but yours relaxation.

3. Don't see meditation as an all-or-nothing game

If you are by nature a perfectionist, a few minutes of random thoughts disturbing your peace may seem perfect defeat. However, this is far from the truth. First of all, you need to realize that meditation there is no match, in which you can you win or lose and give up. Instead, you need to look at it as a tool for inner peace, which will help you tackle life's challenges more easily.
It is quite normal that at the first meditation you won't be all the time completely calm. You will reach this state when you did the exercise several times, while you must not forget that right every effort counts and you can extremely it helps.

Meditation is not a race, but a tool for inner peace Photo: Kampus Production / Pexels

4. Focus on your breathing

Meditation, which experts recommend for beginners, focuses mainly on breathing. You start with it by setting the timer to 10-20 minutes, se sit down comfortably and slowly you close your eyes. At that time focus on your breathingsound, which it produces and movement your stomach and lungs. Every time you feel like your thoughts floated away, to breathe return it.
Instead of breathing, you can also think you mumble the beat, which calms you down.

5. Try different types of meditation

Because we are human different, are also different types of meditation, which us most suitable. Some prefer the meditation that accompanies it calm music, it is easier for others to implement it in complete silence, while still others relax best at soothing voice spiritual teacher.
There are many types of meditation, and if it seems like the first one you've tried, it is not the best choice for you, don't give up. Instead, you are with internet and literature help you find the one that will suit you more suitable.

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