
5 steps on how to use social networks in the right way

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

Photo: envato

In recent years, the use of social networks has become a part of our daily routine - through them we stay in touch with our loved ones, perform work duties, obtain new information and much more. However, more and more people are reporting that they are noticing that social networks are not having the best effect on them. That is why we have prepared 5 steps for you on how to use them in a positive way.

1. Remove people who inspire negativity in you

It has become quite normal to get excited when meeting someone new we connect through social networks. Of course, it's helpful to have a tool that allows us to do this, but sometimes we find that you're someone we don't want to track. This can happen for several reasons - maybe the person is us hurt, we may feel that he doesn't have the best intentions, maybe it's about ex-partner
Anyway, remember that you there is no need follow anyone you don't want to follow on your social networks. Your own feeling put in front of politeness and unwanted person remove, or its contents cover it up with a simple click of a button Mute (Instagram) or Unfollow (Facebook). If you choose this option, the person from the social network will not be notified.

Make sure there are no negative people on your timeline Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

2. Post what makes you happy

If you spend your days at effort, to make your life look as good as possible on social networks perfect, it's completely normal to not feel your best. By doing so, you will start your own real picture compare with retouched version and notice errors in all parts of your life.
Remember that the reality of no one it is not perfect and that you will be much more positive if you post what you makes you happy, be it art, nature or pictures with friends.

3. Don't compare yourself to others

It's easy to get caught in a loop on social networks comparisons with others. It is, of course pointless: everyone has their own in life timeline, mine goals and that's exactly what we all face climb up as well as falls. Most people usually post only the good parts of their lives on their profiles, and if you don't, you won't realized, you will quickly get the feeling that you are the only one who is meeting with problems.
If you notice that you have started to compare yourself to your friends, we suggest that the phone put it down and tackle one of the exercises that focuses on personal satisfaction and self love. You can start by listing 5 things you are for grateful and 5 achievements you are on proud.

Instead of comparing, make a list of things you're grateful for Photo: Anastasiya Vragova / Pexels

4. Follow sites that touch on your hobbies and interests

In addition to following people with whom you constantly you compare, is a recipe for negativity even if your social networks are full bad news. Of course, it is important to you realize, what is happening in the world, but it will be for your psyche harmful, if the negative will represent all that you consume.
Therefore, we suggest that you add or you like pages that post photos and debates related to yours hobbies and interests. These can be profiles dealing with science, art, travel….

5. Take regular breaks

Yes, social media can be overwhelming useful, but their excessive use can lead too quickly to addiction. Therefore, we suggest that you take them regularly breaks: don't worry, in a few days you won't miss it nothing at all.
Take advantage of the days when you won't be glued to your phone connecting with yourself, your friends, family and nature.

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