
Anti-stress therapy: coloring pages for adults that you can print at home

It's time to try coloring pages for adults! Life can be very busy and stressful at times, so put down your smartphone… and pick up the crayons!

If you are going to disconnect for a while with help coloring book for adults, you will do a lot of good for your mental world. By doing this, you will strengthen your creativity, for a moment you will stop thinking about all the problems that plague you and the world, and simply just have fun! And that is precisely why it is one of the best anti-stress therapies that we can provide ourselves!

Download the following coloring pages and many more at the link justcolor.net!



Lion's head
Lion's head



Optical illusions
Optical illusions

Destinations, cultural attractions, etc.


London Bridge (London Bridge)
London Bridge (London Bridge)

Quotes and sayings


The most constant and important question in life is: "What are you doing for others?"
The most constant and important question in life is: "What are you doing for others?"




But it's not just coloring that calms us down. It's also drawing/painting!

And these are 5 surprising benefits of drawing. We don't have to be Picasso - we just have to pick up pencils, crayons or a brush and let go of the creative process.

Improved memory

According to certain studies, drawing improves memory. How? Researchers speculate that it helps integrate semantic, visual, and motor information. You can read more in the original article found here here.

You don't have to be good at drawing to benefit from it.
You don't have to be good at drawing to benefit.

Better fine motor coordination

When drawing, we must use eye-hand coordination all the time. In addition, drawing requires the development of fine motor skills (fine and precise movements).

Better communication skills

Expression through drawing requires us to come up with some kind of message through symbols that we use less often than ordinary language.

Better problem solving

Scribbling, which is one of the initial stages in the development of a child's drawing, can help improve an individual's problem solving skills. Free doodling on paper is often associated with some state of detachment in which we are quite relaxed. In such a state, it is also easier to come to insights into solutions, to the so-called moments of hevreka.


Both drawing and doodling are relaxing. Studies have also shown this. This one for example, she found that she could doodle lowers blood pressure. It doesn't matter how good we are at drawing.

Just this kind of doodling is relaxing.
Just this kind of doodling is relaxing.

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