Astrology reveals the reasons why they want to be perfect. Some astrological signs will never admit their mistakes, and will take well-intentioned advice as an attack on them.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Don't worry about what other people think. Stand by your decisions and believe in yourself.
When you enter the room, you can immediately feel it! You may feel cold or feel as if someone else is in the room next to you. Can't sleep, are you tired and don't know why?
In your Mars natal chart, you can find out what your energy is, how mentally strong you are, more about your passions, how you operate in affect, and more. The sign you have Mars in shows how you can fulfill your need to conquer what you want.
The date of birth is much more than just the date we celebrate our birthday. It is a day that largely determines our future.
Are you afraid of being vulnerable? Are you afraid of commitment? Don't want to be hurt? Do you not open up to another person because you are afraid that she will leave you when she realizes your true self, your mistakes and shortcomings?
If tomorrow you could achieve your goals and dreams and get what you wanted, how would it change your life? Have you ever thought about it? Usually, people focus on what they don't want, try to avoid it and put energy into it instead of achieving their goals and dreams.
Just what is this? According to the experience of many therapists who specialize in relationship problems, there is a habit that is the most common cause of infidelity.
You do not know where you will be, what you will do and how you will feel in ten, twenty, thirty years. But, time flies and before long you will find yourself in the place of your older version.
Do you know what love is? Not just a word and its meaning that you read online. What is true love. Have you felt it yet?
Your intimate relationships are not what you want them to be and you are looking for ways to improve them, what can you do to enjoy them again? These tips will definitely improve your intimate relationships.
Have you ever wondered which of the astrological signs has the most births? And which has the fewest members? Maybe you are among them? If, then you are special, there is only one such sign. Just which one?