
Burnout: 7 signs that the body has had enough use!

Photo: envato

When the body resists "abusing" itself, burnout occurs! Burnout is a state of psychophysical and emotional exhaustion that occurs after several years of exhausting the organism. Such a person no longer has the right energy, it is difficult to stay awake and cannot concentrate, but that is not all.

Burnout we can also take it as help from nature, a serious reminder that shows a person that he is not on the right path, that he is not living his life, at least not as he could.

With the symptoms that appear, the body forces the person to change. It puts her in a state where she gets an insight into her own performance so far and realizes the other value of her life.

And it encourages him to get closer to himself, to do something for himself, to get out of the vicious circle of constantly chasing results and abusing himself and his energy.

Let's look at some signs that you are on your way to burnout.

1. You are stressed all the time

You don't have a minute to rest. You even spend your leisure time multitasking. Or you waste all your time thinking about the next thing to cross off your to-do list, the next set of tasks waiting for you when you finish whatever you're doing. Never relax. You are in constant motion and stress.

2. Your mood swings quickly

You suddenly get angry. When the smallest thing goes wrong, you feel like the whole world is against you. You feel like everything is going wrong. Get angry at people who have done nothing wrong. You are angry all the time and can't stop.

You are never satisfied! Photo: Sammy Williams/Unsplash

3. You never fall asleep satisfied

If you fall asleep at all. You always feel like you should be doing more. You always feel like your list of accomplishments is too short. Even when you spend the day running around, you still feel like you need to squeeze out a little more productivity. You feel like you're not reaching your full potential.

4. Your self-worth is rapidly declining

When you make the slightest mistake, you feel like you're not good enough. You feel like you are behind everyone else your age. You feel like you should have achieved more by now and that is the only thought occupying your mind. Every second you remind yourself why you didn't do something better. You act like your own worst enemy and it never ends.

5. You've neglected the basics

You don't eat enough. Skip the wash. You don't brush your teeth. Things you normally do without thinking suddenly seem so big. You feel like you don't have time for the things you should be making time for. You feel that the work you have to do is more important than you.

Don't allow yourself to rest. Photo: Ben White/Unsplash

6. You cry for no real reason

You randomly break down and are in tears without knowing why. You feel very emotional out of nowhere and the feeling comes and goes as quickly as your anger. You feel like you are no longer in control of your emotions. You feel like your body is doing things its way from time to time, but you're not really listening to what it's telling you. You ignore all signs to slow down.

7. You refuse to slow down, even when it hurts

You don't want to take a break because you don't want to fall further behind. You don't want to miss out on great opportunities. You know that you need to constantly strive to achieve great things, but you are taking this mindset too far. Never allow yourself to rest and recharge. Never take a vacation, even if your body and mind ask for it.

Stop! Take time for yourself. Now!

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