
Brushing your teeth before or after your morning coffee?

Photo: envato

We all know that you should brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, as this is the only way to avoid annoying dental plaque. But should we pick up our toothbrush as soon as we wake up, or is it better to wait until we drink our first cup of coffee? We asked how dentists answer this question.

First thing in the morning coffee enables many people to start functioning normally, but dentists warn of negative effects of this delicious drink. Not only that coffee your teeth colors, but because of the acid it contains, weakens tooth enamel and thus affects that the teeth are more sensitive.

It is best to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up Photo: Tiger Lily / Pexels

Of course, the easiest way to prevent this is to avoid coffee, but if that's not an option, at least make sure you brush your teeth washed regularly – and did it, before you drink your coffee. Brushing immediately in the morning will ensure that coffee stains do not stick dental plaques, which can lead to the formation caries.

What if you're teeth forget to wash? According to dentists, you won't hurt yourself too much if it just happens to you occasionally – just make sure that brushing too late does not become a routine. Be careful, however, that in this case you wait after drinking the coffee at least half an hour, before you pick up the toothbrush.

He has to brush his teeth immediately after coffee the opposite effect, as we would like - it causes that acid, which you obtained with coffee, even more enter in your teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the saliva is acidic in the mouth neutralizes and restores your oral cavity to its original state.

Take care of hygiene first, then you can enjoy your coffee Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels


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