More and more tourists are choosing to spend their holidays more actively, so they are embarking on nautical tourism with yachts and sailboats. A well-equipped marina is the basis for a comfortable leisure time, and since we don't have time to cook a good meal every day on our barge, in addition to all the comforts, Marina Portorož also offers us...
If we want to spend the last days of the year feeling at home, we can go to Matiček. In a pleasant atmosphere that reminds of the times of childhood and life. In order to bring all this closer to us and to stop the rhythm of everyday life for a moment, Pr'Matička conjures up a gourmet event that will remain a fond memory. In their kitchen...
What could be nicer than going to a quiet, cool corner of our country in the upcoming hot days to take a short break and "disconnect" from everyday life. The Iš vintgar is one of those beautiful corners where, in addition to rest and relaxation by the water, you can also have a decent refreshment. ...
The Ljubljana center of the best neighbor in Šiška has a new look that works well, especially in the culinary sense. The first floor offers us the new Angel restaurant, which follows the red thread of Tuscan cuisine, elegantly packaged in an elegant interior. Even with cold and warm...
Portorož is considered the sunniest place in Slovenia, which means that everyone should spend as much time there as possible. And since we usually get quite hungry while enjoying the sun, it is best to head towards the Portorož tennis courts, where a Restaurant awaits us near the sea and...
Ljubljanski nakupovalni kolos nas marsikdaj spravi že skoraj na rob obupa. Takrat si želimo le, da bi lahko pobegnili nekam, kjer čas teče počasneje in kjer nas s svojo domačo kuharijo še vedno razvaja nona s Primorske. Skoraj neverjetno se sliši, a Pri oljki se nam lahko zgodi prav to. Pogled na jedilni list nam ...
As befits a true seaside town, Piran also has a concrete offer of restaurants on its promenade, just a few steps from the sea. One of the more well-known and has been around for quite some time is the restaurant Tri vdove, basically a fish restaurant, but it also offers a lot for picky eaters who don't eat fish. The specialty of the restaurant is...
We have already written about the Mexican restaurant Takos in the old part of Maribor on these pages and concluded that the visit is definitely worth it. With the expansion of Maribor, Takos also expanded, and thus we find Takos Dos in Europark in Maribor. A variation on a theme? It's hard to say, but the fact is that the second Takos is more intended...
Many times it happens that the trip to the sea makes us tired and we just remember the good old days when we stopped "somewhere in between" on this annual sea expedition to refresh ourselves for the journey. Gostilna pri Ana in Strunjan is perfect for such stops, as it is just a jump from the road, parallel to Strunjan's avenue. ...
In Koper, Pomaranča awaits us in the shopping center of the best neighbor. The restaurant is a real revitalization of the monotonous center, because with the dominant orange color and orange playfulness, it invites us to sit down and enjoy a delicious snack or lunch. Orange is the right place to chat with a good...
Tadej and Jure form the core of the restaurant TAJU, which saw the light of day last December. Together with a young and innovative team, they pamper culinary enthusiasts in a unique minimalist ambience, where the play of light and shadows reigns. The restaurant is divided into a lounge, where you can enjoy some...
Bachus Center in Ljubljana is perhaps best known for its evening and nighttime events, but the culinary aspect of this multifunctional space should not be neglected. the restaurant extends over the entire basement of the business premises, and the intimate light is as ordered for dinners for two. a special charm is given to the room by a glass curtain, ...