Less than a year ago, the Kranjska gostilnica opened in Kranje na Planina, where visitors are spoiled with Italian cuisine with a touch of French. The inn is decorated in a pleasant homely atmosphere, and when you smell buckwheat, onion, garlic, corn or potato bread, you feel like you're in your own room. A view of the dining room...
Le 10 minut vožnje iz središča Maribora, v objemu pohorskih gozdov, leži prestižen hotel Habakuk, ki ponuja več kot samo prenočišče za eno noč. Zamislimo si razvajanje v welness- SPA centru, kopanje v termalnih bazenih, sproščanje v turški ali finski savni ali zgolj posedanje na udobnem fotelju ali ...
V osrčju Goriških brd, v vasici Medana, leži domačija Belica, kjer nas razvajajo z domačo briško kuhinjo, ki se prilagaja sodobnemu načinu prehranjevanja. V svoji pršutarni sami izdelujejo in zorijo pršut ter ostale mesnine, v domači octarni pridelujejo oljčno olje in kis, vsak dan nas pričakajo ...
Right before the entrance to Harambaša, near the center of Ljubljana, we are greeted by the sign "Welcome to Sarajevo". As soon as you enter the room, you can immediately perceive the authentic furnishings of the room and the smell, which infuses the room with the charisma and spirit of the Balkans. The first thing that comes to mind is that we found ourselves on…
When we decide to go on a trip or a short break in the Logar Valley, and all the natural beauty is accompanied by good food, a visit to the Raduha pension is the right decision. The fourth generation has been taking care of the culinary delights, so they preserve the tradition in the cuisine, which, in combination with the constant search for new flavors, still...
V osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka, ob Bohinjskem jezeru, v vasici Ukanc, se nahaja Gostišče Erlah. Restavracija lahko naenkrat poskrbi za petdeset gostov, v toplejših mesecih pa jih več kot še enkrat toliko sprejme letni vrt. Obiskovalca razvajajo s slovenskimi narodnimi jedmi in pristno domačo hrano, saj ...
The Majerija homestead is an idyllic upper Vipava homestead hidden among vineyards and orchards. A calm and authentic environment, home-made food and the best Vipava wines are definitely the right recipe for relaxation and pampering. In the room, we will be served specialties such as duck pate with...
Na začetku Miklošičeve ulice, s strani ljubljanskega kolodvora, nas pot popelje v notranjost Plečnikove zgradbe, v restavracijo JB. Ime kuharskega mojstra Janeza Bratovža je povezano z vrhunsko kulinariko, ki jo je iz Domžal preselil v obnovljene prostore poslopja na Miklošičevi cesti v Ljubljani. Uredil jo je v ...
V vasi Cogetinci v Slovenskih goricah se nahaja turistična kmetija Firbas, ki gostom ponuja pristen stik z naravo. Firbasovi nas razvajajo s pristno domačo kuhinjo, kjer v prvi vrsti izpostavljajo meso iz prleške tünke. Prleška tünka je v leseni posodi v zaseki prekajeno ali pečeno svinjsko meso. ...
Počitnice so pred vrati in s tem tudi več druženja in prijetnih izletov. Če se odpravljamo na enodnevni ali večdnevni izlet proti Štajerski, potem ne smemo mimo Turistične kmetije Urška, hiše dobrega počutja, kot ji pravijo mnogi. Večina tega, kar dobi gost na krožniku v njihovi gostilni, je pridelano v ...
Restaurant Pavel & Pavel 2 is a restaurant with a rich family tradition, located in the beautiful, walled Mediterranean seaside town of Piran, which is adorned with a rich cultural heritage. In 1692, the famous violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini was born here. His birthplace and the central square where...
Tourist farm Petelin-Durcik is located in the Karst in the village of Pliskovica. At first glance, the tourist farm gives the impression of a well-kept homestead, there is nothing touristy about it. A small courtyard with a few tables, decorated in karst style, rests in the shadow of karst growth and a calming silence. Touristic...