Along with the holidays, December will also bring us increasingly severe cold and shorter days. When this is accompanied by a pile of freshly fallen snow, Christmas can be quite magical, but every year global warming diminishes our hope that white magical Christmases are even possible. Then why not just escape somewhere far away during the holidays? Here you can find a list of 8 destinations for those who want to spend Christmas in a warm place.
The universe rarely reminds us of ourselves, because we already have a lot of work to do on Earth. Well, maybe on warm summer nights we often look up at the stars. But when the universe 'pats us on the shoulder', it's always for something special. This time it's the USA's turn. On August 21, Americans will be able to observe a total solar eclipse for the first time in 100 years. As befits them, they will 'decorate' the event a little more. Are you wondering how?
The epidemic of the new coronavirus has paralyzed travel plans for a while, which is why we are all eagerly thinking about our first trip after the end of the virus crisis. Perhaps you would prefer to escape from bad news and noise to a secluded island, or you want to immerse yourself in the exploration of foreign, unknown cultures. The choice is yours!
HBO's epic series Game of Thrones takes place in many spectacular locations. The action stretches across the fictional continent of Westeros, home to the Seven Kingdoms, to the icy North and the hot eastern continent of Essos. The film locations themselves are as diverse as the scenes, which are scattered all over the world - from cold Scotland to hot Croatia and Morocco. Check out all the real Game of Thrones movie locations that read like a tourist brochure.
The fact that Slovenia is a fairy-tale land is often forgotten by the inhabitants of Slovenia themselves. But we are reminded of this by the achievements in the field of tourism, where our country is achieving incredible growth and raising its international reputation. We present to you the most fabulous tourist projects that you absolutely must visit if you are a true Slovenian! Just like Triglav!

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