L'Oreal obviously thinks you don't know how to brush your hair properly. That's why he teamed up with consumer electronics company Withings to create the Kératase Hair Coach smart hair brush.
Just five, ten, twenty more minutes... Do you know something? It doesn't hurt anyone, does it? Wrong. Very wrong. A nap can create real chaos in our body...
One would think that after so many millennia of studying the human body, we would have discovered and thoroughly studied all the organs, but, as it turned out, one was hiding from us until today. The mysentery is located in the digestive tract, it is part of the abdomen, but scientists do not yet know what it is for.
If you woke up this morning completely refreshed and ready for a new day - congratulations! You've obviously managed to achieve a kind of moderation, a nirvana, that most people only dream of. But if you've been reaching for unhealthy snacks and hearty meals by accident, then you're probably already looking forward to detoxing your body after the holidays. And apparently there is an ingredient that can help you do just that.
The holidays are probably (too) full of food and drink. We hope that you spent them peacefully, in the circle of those closest to you, and that you rested from everyday worries. Good, because now is the time to start worrying again. Did the holidays bring you any extra pounds? You'll be shocked to learn the results of a study that found out how long it will take you to shed the extra pounds you gained over the Christmas holidays.
This year, Santa also stopped at Optika Krstič and left a very special gift for our readers. With a bit of luck, you can win comprehensive vision care at Optika Krstič. Ready? Now!
The well-known Italian brand of affordable decorative and professional cosmetics ItStyle is available in the cosmetics department of the Maxi brand. This cosmetic corner offers a wide range of cosmetic products that are entirely produced in Italy, and it is also complemented by various cosmetic tools and accessories that enable perfect make-up and a complete "look".
We've all had an alcoholic hangover at some point in our lives after drinking the night before or night looked too deeply into the glass. Although when we wake up the next day and are visited by this well-known party-goer, we vow to never drink alcohol again, we craze over and over again in the exam. Perhaps you will be convinced to drink more moderately by knowing how many years we spend on average with an alcoholic cat and in this way we waste our lives cheaply.
A good enough and satisfying workout to complete in less than five minutes? Sounds pretty hair-raising, doesn't it? Well, apparently it is possible. In this 4-minute workout that we will present to you today, we strengthen the entire body, increase muscular endurance and provide cardiovascular fitness. Movements are performed in short intense intervals, which allows you to burn calories, and calories will be burned even after the exercise.
Nutella as a beauty aid? Nutella can be used in a thousand and one ways in the kitchen, but you probably never thought you would find it in a hair salon! Huda Kattan wanted to become a brunette and went to a hair salon in Dubai, where they fulfilled her wish with the help of Nutella and condensed milk instead of the classic hair dye. Would you dare to dye your hair with Nutella?
A new Italian make-up brand, Cipria Makeup, which follows the biggest global trends, recently arrived in Ljubljana from Milan. You can find them in the beauty shop, the first of its kind in Slovenia, where around 900 products await us on twelve meters, including bold make-up, make-up accessories, a green line of beauty products, as well as real perfumes.
Christmas styling doesn't end with sweaters. If you want to really stand out for the Christmas holidays or express the Christmas spirit a little differently, consider a Christmas hairstyle. No ideas? That's why we have a whole bunch of them!