Have you come to the realization that a vision board - a collage of pictures, affirmations and other visual representations of goals, aspirations and desires - is not working?
Personal growth
Proper upbringing has nothing to do with your preferences and lifestyle. It's about what you carry in your heart.
Talking about Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day can be difficult for singles, so we've gathered psychologists' advice in one place on how to deal with this situation if you're currently single.
To forgive does not mean that you have approved the behavior that is not in line with your belief. At the same time, forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. "Letting go" is sometimes difficult because of the pain you feel, because of the unprocessed emotions that remain. It is not easy to understand people. That is why you often suffer.
The negative, often subtle impact that trauma leaves on us can affect our mental and physical health. Experts list 3 steps that can be helpful in overcoming emotional trauma.
5 ways to tell the difference between a true friend and a person who is just taking advantage of you
In life, our paths cross with the paths of a wide variety of people. Some stay in our lives for a long time and bring us many wonderful moments, while others teach us an important lesson: each of our friends is not with us for the best reason. We have prepared for you 5 ways to distinguish between a true friend and a person who is exploiting you.
When we hear the word habit, we imagine morning rituals of personal care, work methods and activities that soothe and cheer us up. However, habits also mean the way we think and function both on a personal and career level. These ways determine how our life will go, so it is very important that they influence us in a healthy and positive way. We asked what are the most harmful habits with which we unknowingly make our lives worse and how we can overcome them.
This is for the man who hurt you and planted a grain of doubt in you, a doubt about your beauty, your worth.
Have you ever thought how much easier your life would be if you could read minds? This is how you would immediately know if the person who has aroused a romantic interest in you likes you, if you are doing well in a job interview, if your friend is telling the truth... Well, fortunately, there are ways you can at least roughly know how to your interlocutor is watching you and your words. We have prepared for you 5 psychological signs that can show you what someone thinks about you.
A man does not determine your worth. Especially not one that doesn't stick around long enough to see your true self.
No matter how much time we spend with our youngest, how much we look forward to them and enjoy them, sometimes we feel that we are not connected with them enough. Children are an immense joy. They are so sweet and fill us with pride that, fortunately, we can no longer imagine life without them. Then again, sometimes it's like we just don't understand them in the least and they can drive us crazy.
There are women who spend their salary almost immediately, but there are also women who have no problems with finances. They simply have healthy financial habits, and you can find out what those habits are below in the post.