
Do you constantly notice mistakes and shortcomings in yourself: how to overcome this toxic habit?

Photo: envato

Do you stand in front of the mirror and observe your shortcomings, or do you criticize yourself before an important project because you didn't do everything perfectly? Strict and excessive self-criticism has a bad effect on the quality of life - how to overcome it?

Self-criticism is a state in which you constantly focus on your own flaws, shortcomings and mistakes. Although it is often helpful to be aware of your mistakes in order to learn from them, focusing exclusively on negative things causes constant self-criticism and a collapse of your self-esteem.

Why is this happening? Is there a way to overcome this?

Excessively focusing on your shortcomings it's a habit you do most of the time without even realizing it. Unfortunately, many people believe that criticism is something that will motivate them to change for the better.

But excessive self-criticism is far from growth, it can be destructive. If you only notice mistakes in yourself and criticize yourself over and over again, this does not improve you, but hurts and causes insecurity.

What are the most common causes of self-criticism?


A learned pattern of behavior. You had a childhood in which criticism was the main theme. Because of this, you have developed the idea that self-criticism is a normal phenomenon.

Unconscious guilt. There is something in your life that you are ashamed of or guilty of, but you are not aware of it. You may have done or wanted to do something that you feel is reprehensible.

What signs indicate that a person is excessively self-critical

Latent guilt. Whenever something negative happens, think about what you could have done to prevent it. You are generalizing your own behavior.

You are too demanding of yourself

For something you've done to be right, it has to actually be perfect. If not, consider it a failure. You never congratulate yourself. You rarely brag. If you do something wrong, you will criticize yourself for hours and days, but the success will go unnoticed.


Everything is black or white with you. If you haven't achieved everything, you feel like you haven't achieved anything.

You compare yourself to others. You always put others before yourself.

If you are excessively self-critical and find that it is hindering you, affecting your quality of life and making you feel bad, it is important to talk to a professional and get important guidance.

Harsh and excessive self-criticism only destroys you and reduces your chances of advancement. That's why it's important to learn to become a good friend to yourself, to connect with yourself, first to show understanding, then respect, and finally, most importantly, to show yourself love.

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