Face them and you will find your way to happiness! Happiness requires constant effort, work on yourself and the need to live in harmony with yourself and everyone around you.
Personal growth
Setting boundaries is important in personal relationships. While this may seem selfish to some, the other person's reaction can trigger uncomfortable feelings in you that you may have done something wrong. But setting boundaries is an important skill that makes sure you know how to take care of yourself, protect yourself, and put yourself first.
In the rush of everyday life, we are focused on a thousand and one obligations, but too often we forget about ourselves. That's right! We are convinced that we must first arrange everything necessary, and only then we deserve some time to take care of ourselves. However, this is not necessarily the case.
Eye contact is considered one of the most important types of non-verbal communication and it is not for nothing that the eyes say more than a thousand words. With them, we can show someone that we are attracted to them, that we love them, that we are angry with them, that we are nervous inside..., so it is very useful if we know how to recognize and decipher the messages of the eyes.
For most people, location is the most important thing when buying a home, but what many forget and what is essential for a pleasant life are the neighbors. Of course, at first glance it is difficult to identify who you will live next to, but the fact is that unpleasant neighbors can certainly spoil your enjoyment of the family idyll, just as good neighbors can make your life easier and more beautiful.
Emotional intelligence means being aware of your emotions and their impact on your behavior, especially when interacting with other people. In short, people with high emotional intelligence navigate life more easily. How do you know if your emotional intelligence quotient is higher than most people? This reveals the following 7 signs.
The negative things they said about you were not true. Even though that person may be gone from your life forever, you can't wave a magic wand and forget all the things they said to you and how bad they made you feel.
Are you talking to yourself? There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, on the contrary, such a conversation can have a very beneficial effect on your health.
"No one ever wished on their deathbed that they had spent more time in the office," goes the well-known cliché. A study by two psychology professors hints at what we might deeply regret at the end of our lives.
We are offered different paths in life: from climbing the career ladder to a calm life in harmony with nature. Financial worries and the constantly changing world can cause us to lose ourselves completely and no longer know what way of life would lead us to the greatest happiness. That's why we asked what experts think: how can you best know what you want in life?
Stop thinking of failure as a negative thing. Acting like it's the end of the world when something doesn't work out the way you hoped. Why?
Are you one of those people who enjoy being in front of a TV screen with a horror movie on it, with your heart beating and your skin burning? There is a scientific reason behind the huge popularity of scary movies, death trains in amusement parks, and holidays like Halloween. We asked why some people enjoy fear so much and how it is possible that this emotion gives us pleasure.