Summer is finally here and many of us are already counting down the days until the holidays, which we will spend by the sea, in nature, in a foreign capital, and certainly in the company of our closest ones. If you and your partner are going on your first vacation together this year, you must already be feeling happy anticipation, which may also be accompanied by nervousness. Will your first trip together go smoothly or will it be a test of your relationship? We have prepared 5 ideas for you on how to best spend your first vacation with your partner and avoid arguments.
The healthy food factory also got its place online in Slovenia. In addition to the successful sale of the healthiest products in Croatia, you will now also be able to shop with us. New online store The health food factory is intended for everyone who loves a healthy lifestyle and likes to create varied meals.
We've all found ourselves in a situation where we just didn't and couldn't fall asleep. If you had work the next day, you were probably frantically counting the hours until morning, and that further reduced your ability to sleep. To prevent this from happening again, we have prepared for you the fastest way to fall asleep, which flooded the Tik Tok social network.
No one can deny that the popularity of dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble are on the rise and are being used by most of those who are currently single. However, this does not mean that finding a partner through them is easy. Because it's completely normal to be intimidated by the thought of starting a conversation with a potential suitor. That's why we've prepared 10 ways for you to start a conversation on a dating app and also make sure it leads to a date.
What you didn't know about the astrological sign Cancer and with whom they get along best in love!
If you are classified as a sweet tooth, but at the same time you want to maintain a good body shape, then we suggest that you reach for dark chocolate between meals. This snack may not be as sweet as other types of chocolate, but it is considered extremely delicious, and it also contains a lot of nutrients that have a positive effect on health. We have prepared for you 6 reasons why you should not resist dark chocolate.
The planet of love enters the constellation Gemini on June 23 and will remain there until July 17, 2022. To whom does the planet of love bring a meeting with a soulmate?
Experts agree that, in addition to physical exercise, proper nutrition is also an important part of a healthy life. It is the fuel that enables us to perform sports activities efficiently and recover successfully after them. Many people wonder what would be better: to consume nutrients before or after recreation? We asked what experts in the field of sports think about it.
Of course, your 40s are a time to look back and celebrate the life you've built. But entering the middle years of your life means you also have to think about how you want to live in the future. There are many bad habits that you should give up in your 40s in order to be physically and mentally healthier. From having an extra glass of wine to wearing skinny jeans, these are just some of the things that are considered unhealthy.
The renovated and expanded Intersport store BTC City Ljubljana is the largest Intersport store in Slovenia with more than 2,000 m2 of shopping space. The expanded store not only brings an enhanced offer, but more emphasis is placed on product testing, entertainment and an exciting sales experience.
Stress and anxiety are feelings we have all experienced. That is why it is important to learn to regulate them and to do daily exercises that will help us to relax and achieve inner peace. We have prepared 5 yoga exercises for you or asanas that will make you breathe much easier. We suggest that you perform the exercises sequentially while breathing deeply, holding each pose for 15-20 seconds.
A breakup is one of the most painful experiences in life, and it is quite normal to need some time after it to recover and get over your ex-partner. However, sometimes it happens that you meet a new crush very quickly and you start to wonder if it's a good idea to get into a new relationship or if it's better to stay single for a few months. We asked what experts think about this: when is it too early to start looking for a new partner?