Lubi, muc, pikec... such nicknames are usually given to Slovenian couples. What about couples abroad? These are much more mischievous, and sometimes we don't know exactly whether it is a special expression of love or an insult. Judge for yourself.
If you recognize yourself in the text, don't think for a second, just react. Do something for yourself. For your health. And good luck.
When we find ourselves in a love relationship, we often wonder if it is REAL love or if we are just trying to convince ourselves that it is something serious that we long for. Every person alive experiences only 3 types of love... and even though for many people they don't end up the way they want, that doesn't mean that those loves aren't real and can't last.
Reading is a great solace in moments when you have absolutely NOTHING to love because your heart hurts - these books will help you get over a PAINFUL breakup.
Every intimate relationship also has its difficult moments, and gaps between two people sometimes inevitably appear, bridges over which can only be built with perseverance and dedication. But this is not to be confused with a truly harmful relationship that destroys you. How do you know you're in the wrong relationship?
Strong women are not looking for a partner who is jealous and without ambition. Strong women need a man who is proud of them and is not afraid to admit their mistakes.
You are the average of the five people around you and your partner has the biggest influence on you - if you don't feel comfortable in your relationship with him, it's time to think about where the reason lies and whether your partner is having a NEGATIVE influence on you.
It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and start looking at the world differently. Realistically. Maybe painful for you - these are clear signs that your partner MISSES his ex.
We have two hot months ahead of us and whether you spend them on the beach, in your backyard or between concrete buildings, don't forget to protect yourself from the sun - we always forget to apply sunscreen in these places!
Let's face it, we all sometimes 'manipulate' someone or something, but the difference between innocent and harmful manipulation is more than obvious - that's what they do to you when they manipulate you.
Love is a complicated thing - today you love, tomorrow you feel empty. And then you face the truth called the world of singles. Yes, it will probably be strange living with your new status for a while, but there will come a time when you will have to start seeing dating as normal again. And prepare for a new relationship!
Don't waste your time with a person who only sees you as a passing adventure and will forget you quickly, and your heart will be broken into 1000 pieces. Protect yourself from pain and find out which signs reveal what kind of relationship you are in!