
#Column: I removed Facebook from the front page of my phone and this is exactly what happened!

Photo: Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Facebook takes a huge toll on many people! Also because of the large amount of nonsense that is produced there on a daily basis by various individuals and "quasi" influencers who have nothing to say and therefore "leaven" exclusively psychological nonsense. But one must ask why the blue network offers us such a large amount of this content. I'll give you the answer myself and explain how I elegantly removed myself from the community and simply became a happier person.

Much to my dismay, it is my life is business intertwined with this strange blue social network. I was one of the first Slovenian users, who registered with an invitation back in the days when matters were not publicly available to everyone and became one of the first business profiles in Slovenia, who created advertising campaigns and created Facebook pages for international clients. I can still boast that I am one of the few that Facebook calls personally in case of "complaints" or closed profiles. In a way, I started my first business right on Facebook, and I am who I am because of that blue network, because I've been on social media for most of my adult life. What am I doing! I even had my own, GenSpot.com, which used to be the leading "social" project in our country with more than 1 million video posts and more than 100,000 daily visitors. It was ridiculously or even ironically similar to today's Facebook. Algorithms are much simpler, but pragmatically extremely well-functioning. Maybe even better in some ways.

Clubhouse Slovenia: where do I get an invitation to a new social network for which there is a queue?

But back to the blue network. The Blue Network enabled extraordinary marketing feats in those days. It was possible to create applications that reached 100,000 users within 8 hours. It was a real "Wild West", but at the same time a sea of communication opportunities. Those opportunities are gone, the network has changed and, even from that point of view, much less fun. I don't know how to explain everything in the most plastic way. In the past, innovation and creativity were rewarded on the network, today the network mostly rewards stupidity and even "accelerates" it. The engineers responsible for the "algorithms" were completely wrong. They added completely too many variables to the algorithm itself, caused a paradox and thus created a stupidity search engine and a "machine" for fooling the people. Maybe it all sounds rough, but the posts, that tap into specific emotions, they arouse fear or anger, they are against the network. The algorithm detects interaction, detects difficult communication and increased time on the network. The algorithm detects adrenaline. He enjoys this attention. This attention equals earnings. This is also why stories that may be good but do not contain primary "instincts" cannot succeed. If there is no anger, sexuality or other primal emotions, the posts do not work because there is no "extraordinary level of interaction" with them. However, the amount of interaction alone is not always a sign of quality content. It is most likely a sign of content that is bad or made with the intention of causing this kind of interaction. All content creators are aware of this, as they must create the latter according to specific recipes.

The algorithm detects adrenaline. He enjoys this attention.

Like editor in chief and the creator of a good number of media websites (genspot.com, moski.si, zenska.si, citymagazine.si, etc.) and a writer more than 10,000 titles articles, I was because of my familiarity algorithms of social networks always very successful. A good knowledge of content success algorithms was of course useful. With a few daily announcements, I also managed to bring to the media 300,000 Slovenians daily. And I was proud that the content could also be good and such with added value, not just "stupid" and made for clicks. After more than 15 years of this kind of creation, I know exactly which article title will be successful, clickable and will bring me a good number of visitors. I know exactly which emotions will trigger the click. And I don't like what I know. Also because, in recent times, even good and original stories, which could have been effective in the past, do not work in a familiar and predictable way. What's happening?

Facebook has a problem. His main success parameter is “time spent on site”, its success and future is measured in the only empirical way – the time you dedicate to this network. Time equals money. And this old saying is of course true for the business model of this social network. In other words, the online analytics of this network is known on the company's stock, which is nothing special in the recent period. Facebook doesn't really care if you spend that time relaxing or in a convulsive debate that you start because of the written nonsense you are responding to. The network is also fighting for your attention in an addictive way.

When I talk about addiction, I'm talking about addiction to negative emotions, to put it bluntly adrenaline. This was already known 50 years ago by the editors of daily news programs on television, where we all traditionally watch them for the "shot" of this miracle hormone. This is also why the project of positive daily news broadcasts has never succeeded. This is not watched. Because there is no addiction, because the hormone is missing. Black chronicles, disasters and the awakening of negative emotions are successful. Totally because of chemistry. Even with exaggerated and inflated political affairs that cause a stir. Traditional media knows this, as does Facebook. This is the basic secret of this craft.

When I'm talking about addiction, I'm talking about addiction to negative emotions, adrenaline in the vernacular.

A special folder on my desktop. It's on the third home screen of my phone. Be safe!

In the year 2020 i was personally aware of the lines i am sharing above. And in a very simple way I freed myself from the negativity that I was served daily. I gave up the adrenaline rush I got every time I lit up Facebook. At the same time, I made another decision. That I follow only global media in a balanced way. I renounced the Slovenian media, which cause tremendous rift in society at the expense of causing negative emotions. And as a result, he found out why we as a society are so unsuccessful in the fight against the epidemic. Namely, these produced negative emotions they drive the media industry, which became only the dedicated time industry. In 2021, the key issue is the right time - your attention, the value of which is reflected in money.

Facebook I didn't delete it. It resides in a special folder on the third page my phone. The folder has the inscription "Do not open". This is also why I am a happier person today.

Life is extremely interesting and surprises. When you finish a certain story in your life, a new challenge always appears. These days I am on the social network ClubHouse, which took me over with its positive note and causing feelings of happiness. Everyone who was on it will know exactly what I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't yet, I highly recommend it. It is a smart network where people do not hide behind avatars. I moderate debates on it every day - so find me and follow me. You are personally and cordially invited. I'll do my best to get you invites. But I recommend following these groups below for more information!

For more information and Clubhouse invites follow these communities:

FACEBOOK GROUP – Clubhouse Slovenia
LINKEDIN GROUP – Clubhouse Slovenia

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