
Don't neglect this: this is the best time to connect emotionally with your partner

Photo: Cottonbro studio / Pexels

How do you approach the moments after intimacy? Do you devote yourself to each other with love and tenderness? Do you hug your partner, create special moments of intimacy, or does this time simply pass without special gestures? Don't forget that this is a very important time for emotional bonding.

After intimacy, it's time for emotional connection. The time when the excitement subsides remains tenderness and moments together and all those good hormones we got going during sex play.

Why is it important to take time to connect emotionally?

Intimacy is a personal, vulnerable and intensive activity, while post-relationship time provides bonding and comfort. Sexuality promotes satisfaction in a relationship and everyone can give and receive caresses, gestures after sex.

Post-relationship tenderness should be present in all relationships, from casual and one-time sexual encounters to committed relationships.

Just as foreplay plays an important role in achieving the right mood and excitement before sex, awareness is strengthened that attention after it also helps the body and mind to calm down.

Post-intimate attention involves a variety of behaviors. For example, it could be the time spent in conversation, cuddling, showering together or in any way that suits both partners at the time.

emotional connection
What is your relationship like after an intimate relationship? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Attention after intimacy strengthens the emotional component of the relationship (which is also present in superficial relationships) and allows the two partners to feel close, connected and respected.

Endorphins (hormones of happiness) are released during sex, which they activate the pleasure centers in the brain and promote intimacy and connection. When these chemicals dissipate, we can feel strange and confused.

People, especially men, can be prone to depression and withdrawal after sex, so you can prevent this by taking care of your partner sexually and trying to meet their emotional needs. Intimacy, connection and closeness continue even after orgasm.

Couples have different practices to stay connected and relaxed after sex. These include hugging and stroking (face and hair), scratching, talking, showering, watching TV, preparing food, listening to music, napping...

emotional connection
Cuddle or leave? Photo: Cottonbro studio / Pexels

Open communication from the beginning is very important

Talk about what suits you, whether you want tenderness or not.

Post-intimacy care is important whether you are in a committed relationship or not. People are vulnerable after sex. The attention they share after intimacy, however, maintains the respect and emotional security of both partners.

The amount of time you spend together after a relationship

It creates a bridge between your intimate world and the everyday world in which you spend the rest of your time. This means that connecting through sex enables not only mutual closeness, but also a pleasant return to everyday life.

Attention after sex prevents negative emotions

Shared time and attention after sex prevent negative emotions from appearing. Even after a consensual relationship, some people may feel shame and guilt, which can be reduced through emotional sharing and communication.

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