
Don't buy tomatoes in winter! Instead, use this trick to store fresh tomatoes

Photo: envato

Did you know that you can easily keep tomatoes fresh even in the winter months? How do you extend its shelf life?

Tomato it is juicy, tasty and rich in nutrients. An indispensable part of many dishes, from salads to sauces and pic. However, as with many fresh fruits, the main problem is that their freshness is short-lived and quickly goes bye-bye in the colder months.

But don't give up! There are simple tricks that allow you to keep tomatoes fresh even in winter.


1. Use vinegar

One of the most effective tricks to extend the freshness of tomatoes is to prepare them add a little vinegar to the glasses during the winter months. Vinegar acts as a natural preservative that prevents the development of mold and keeps tomatoes fresh.

Photo: envato

This trick involves a simple process: slice the tomatoes or leave them whole, then place them in jars and add a few drops of vinegar and a little salt. Close the jars tightly and store in the refrigerator. With this simple addition, you can store tomatoes in jars in the refrigerator for up to a year. This way, you will always have fresh tomatoes on hand for cooking sauces, soups or salads, regardless of the season.

2. Dry the tomatoes

If you want to keep tomatoes longer, dry them. Dried tomatoes retain their aroma and flavor and do not spoil as quickly.

There are several ways to dry tomatoes, but the simplest is in the oven. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and place them on a baking sheet. Then season them with salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil and bake them at a low temperature until they become dry.

Or dry them. Photo: Bernd Dittrich / Unsplash

Then store the dried tomatoes in the refrigerator or in a cool place protected from the sun and enjoy them up to 2 years. Sun-dried tomatoes are a great addition to dishes such as pasta, pizza or sandwiches and allow you to keep the taste of summer all year round.

By using these simple tricks you can ensure that you will have fresh tomatoes available even in the winter months. Don't let the lack of fresh tomatoes spoil your winter culinary pleasures. With these tips, you will be able to enjoy the taste of summer all year round.

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