
Don't pretend you're fine: we all feel bad sometimes

Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unsplash

Don't pretend you're fine when you're feeling down. There's nothing wrong with admitting that not everything is perfect, that you're only human with flaws.

We don't live in a perfect world. Nobody is perfect. Not you, not him, not me. We all fall sometimes and there is nothing wrong with being vulnerable. There is nothing wrong with not being strong, with wanting help and hugs.

When you feel like you're falling and you don't feel strong anymore, remind yourself that…

1. People sometimes misunderstand what power really means.

Strength does not mean that you are always in a good mood and that you never shed a single tear. Strength does not mean that you are self-sufficient and that you never need a helping hand. Strength doesn't mean you go through life carefree because you can handle everything life throws your way.

Strength means you keep going even when it's hard. When you feel lost and alone. Strength means that you are still here, still standing and hoping for a bright future.

2. If you work hard for too long, it can hurt you.

The problem is not that you feel weak right now. But for too long you've felt the pressure to stay strong. You were holding back your emotions. You wore a brave face. You acted like everything was perfectly fine, and not like you usually do when a million things were wrong. You can't pretend forever. Like it or not, eventually you break.

3. Sometimes the best thing you can do is admit you need help.

You don't have to do everything yourself. You don't have to push other people away in the name of independence. There is nothing wrong with showing your vulnerability, expressing your feelings and asking for help. You should not be ashamed of what you are going through right now. Everyone goes through hard times sometimes. Everyone hits rock bottom sooner or later. The best thing you can do is admit that you don't have all the answers and that you need help.

Don't give in to discouragement. You can do it. Photo: James Forbes/Unsplash

4. Your weakest moments will make you stronger.

You may feel helpless right now. It may seem to you that everything is going wrong. All this will pass. You'll be fine. You will come out of these situations even stronger than before. And when you look back, you will realize how strong you were to survive this pain. You became a different person. Stronger.

5. Be honest with yourself, this is more important than pretending to be strong.

You don't want to live a lie. You don't want to pretend you're fine when you're feeling bad. You have to be honest about your thoughts and feelings. You have to admit that there is a problem and you have to work to fix it. Tell yourself the truth, even when it's easier to pretend everything is perfectly fine. True power lies in being honest with yourself.

6. Sometimes pretending to be strong isn't your best option.

Sometimes it's good to cry. Sometimes it's good to open up to your loved ones and confide in them what you're going through. Sometimes it's good to let those walls fall down because that's the best way to rebuild yourself. Allow yourself to fall and you will become even stronger.

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