
How to accept what you cannot change

Photo: imdb

Over the years, the wisdom of acceptance becomes the most important task of each of us. The more successful you are at acceptance, the more fulfilled and satisfied you are with your life.

Start slow, accept who you are first. If you dig deep within yourself, you'll find that most of your problems, one way or another, are rooted in a lack of self-acceptance and self-love. So start from there, from the very beginning.

Find the exits yourself. Suppressing feelings and ignoring problems will never do any good in the long run. Don't store your feelings, be open to everything you experience and watch how you react. Ultimately, this is the only way to know and come to accept and love yourself.

Write a list of things, events, feelings that you do not understand. Write down why you can't change the situation you're in and reasons why it might be a good thing in the future.

If you don't like making lists, write a letter to yourself. Write from the present to the future self, and then from the future to the present. This is an effective way to manage anxiety.

First, accept – yourself. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

If you want to accept the changes you can't manage, make the changes that are up to you. But don't try to change everything at once. You will achieve nothing if you decide to change your entire life one day. Revolutionary changes may motivate you greatly, but they will tire and exhaust you, and you will end up angry at yourself and giving up.

So pick one little thing you want to change. Do it until it becomes a habit, until it becomes part of your daily life. Then select the next one. Take one step at a time to slowly make lasting changes.

Find your happy place. Your happy place doesn't have to be material, it can also be your state of mind. A haven that you can summon simply by closing your eyes and imagining it wherever you are. It's important to know what your happy place is and how to get there when you need it.

Find your happy place. Photo: Constantin Panagopoulos / Unsplash

Fill your mind with positive thoughts. You can't just stop having anxious thoughts. You need other thoughts to focus on. Read before bed, and in the morning, while you feel the onset of anxiety, try to remember the passages you read.

Let the feelings flow. They come and go. Don't resist. Breathe through them. Learn to acknowledge all your feelings, think about what they are trying to tell you, what they are warning you about and let them pass through you.

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