
How to get rid of bloating and flatten your stomach in just 24 hours

Photo: Ryan Moreno/Unsplah

It's that uncomfortable feeling when you feel like you've gained weight. You start exercising and lose weight, but the belly is still there. Have you considered that you might just be high? Check if this is true!

Many people suffer from bloating, which causes them daily problems. The reasons can be different, from dehydration, allergies, menstrual cycle. Here are some tips on how to reduce bloating and feel better.

Many people think they have a problem with being overweight, but in reality, just bloating makes the belly look bigger. Even when you eat right and exercise, bloating is not out of the question, and there are many reasons for it.

Some of them are hormonal changes, diet, which includes bread, meat and dairy products, the body's inability to digest protein, dehydration, constipation and fluid retention.

Depending on the cause, bloating can also be a health problem, so you can only eliminate it yourself if it is "normal" bloating due to diet or poor digestion.


Drink plenty of water, preferably with lemon. Photo: Charlotte May / Pexels

1. Drink water with lemon

This drink is the best way to wake up your body in the morning on an empty stomach. If you can't drink water with lemon, an alternative is green tea, to which you will add lemon, and you can drink this during breakfast.

2. Prevent dehydration

This is key, even though sometimes you think the cause of bloating is a large amount of water. You need plenty of fluids, especially if the temperatures are high or if you are exercising.

3. Avoid dairy products.

If you're one of those who get stomach discomfort after dairy products, avoid these products, especially if you feel bloated. Avoid milk, yogurt and cheese, you will notice the changes very quickly. In order for your body to be completely cleansed, do not eat them for three weeks, then you will see what you are in for.

4. Avoid too much fiber

Fiber is a nutrient that helps us digest and even lose weight, but if you are not used to it or if you have eaten too much of it, it can cause bloating. This is because your digestive system does not have the proper bacteria to help it metabolize more fiber.

5. Eat tropical fruits

Papaya and pineapple are the best fruits that prevent or reduce bloating. They contain the enzyme papalin, i.e. bromelain, which aids in digestion and helps the body digest food.

Let tropical fruits be on your menu. Photo: Humphrey Muleba / Unsplash

6. Read the composition of vitamin supplements before drinking or eating them

Some nutritional supplements contain additives that include lactose and wheat and can cause major problems if you are lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant. In addition to bloating, they can also cause problems with gas in the intestines. Carefully read the composition of vitamins, as well as other foods that you put into your body, so that they do not contain something that does not suit you.

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