
How to wear a white shirt - a garment that suits every style

A white shirt is one of the most basic pieces of clothing, it can be found in almost every wardrobe. This is because it matches every style - from a completely "casual" style to the strictest formal. It all depends only on what and how we will combine it. Here are 7 ideas for outfits with a white shirt.

1. Sneakers and ripped jeans

For casual look and comfort put on ripped jeans and Sneakers. You can also play with the shirt: leave a few buttons undone, only half-tuck it into the pants...

2. High-waisted pants and high heels

If you're aiming for a look that is a mix of casual and elegant, combine the shirt with high-waisted trousers and sandals with high heel. Tuck the shirt into the pants, as this will make them stand out the most.

3. Use it as a dress

If your shirt is one of the longer ones, it can serve as a jacket on warmer days dress. This style can be elegant or completely simple - it depends on the bag and the shoes. You can wear high heels, sandals, sneakers...


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3. Leave it unfastened

If you want your style to exude freedom, leave the shirt on unfastened, and you can wear it underneath crop top or lace top. We suggest choosing calmer, natural colors such as brown, beige and greyish shades.

4. Play with colors

The advantage of white is that it matches practically any color, so you have a free hand when choosing the shade with which to combine it. But you can go one step further and wear it together with strong ones, vivid colors, which are supposed to "intersect" and not fit together in any way - but they can still create a beautiful outfit. An example of this is a combination green and orange ones.

5. Create contrast

If bright colors aren't your first choice, you can take the safer route and dress with contrast instead black and white – black can be your handbag, pants, shoes or all three. If you want to upgrade the style even further, you can add black and white gold, which can shine from your jewelry or even from your shoes or purse.

6. Two-tone outfit

White can serve as base, which allows the other color to really shine. To achieve this, the shirt press down combine with pants and outfits longer coat, jacket or oops and purse – all three same color. We suggest you choose beige, greyish or pastel shades that complement white best.

7. White from head to toe

You can also forget about colors: the combination white with white is always a good choice, but of course you have to be careful to avoid mud and puddles and to be very careful when eating.

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