
If you experience this emotion too often, it can significantly shorten your life

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One recent study found that certain emotions, if they occur too often, can negatively affect the length of life.

The study explored the link between social isolation and increased mortality, while offering important insight into emotion, which can have a negative effect on longevity. Nowadays, in a world of rapid technological development, the importance of human connection is slowly being lost.

This is also proven by a study published in a scientific journal Nature Human Behavior, which examined the link between social isolation, loneliness and mortality. The in-depth analysis, which included 90 parallel studies and more than 2.2 million individuals, revealed something that every one of us should learn about.

Photo: Unsplash/Denys Nevozhai

It has been known for a long time that they represent loneliness and isolation a great threat to the well-being of us and the people around us. According to one of the studies, the risk of mortality in the case of loneliness and isolation is the same as if you smoked 15 cigarettes a day. Surprisingly, this risk even exceeds the risks associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Loneliness does not necessarily have to be associated with social isolation. You can be surrounded by people but feel lonely. If you are unfulfilled and disconnected in relationships, you can also be lonely. It's not just how often you interact with people, it's the quality and depth of those relationships that matter.

Photo: Unsplash/Rodrigo Gonzales

According to the study, individuals who experience social isolation face a staggering 32 percent increased risk of premature death. For those who experience feelings of loneliness, the risk is still high, increasing by 14 %. But that's not all. In addition to a higher overall risk of death, lonely and isolated people are more likely to die from certain diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Emotions and longevity

The research also found that sociability and connection are essential even for those individuals who are already struggling with various chronic diseases. In the case of heart disease, the risk of mortality increases by 28%, in the case of social isolation. This is a stark reminder that in the fight against diseases, not only medicine is enough, but emotional support is also important. Precisely for the sake of the results, the authors of the study once again drew attention to the importance of awareness of social isolation and loneliness, both on the part of health professionals and the public.

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