
Invisible victims of the sun: parts of the body we forget to protect from UV rays

Protect these areas from sunburn!

Photo: envato

Summer is the time when many of us like to go to the beaches, to nature or simply enjoy the home garden. But we often forget about the dangers posed by the sun's rays. Excessive sun exposure without adequate protection can lead to sunburn, premature skin aging and other skin diseases, including skin cancer. However, with a few simple steps, we can effectively protect ourselves and enjoy the summer days carefree. Here's key information on when and how to use SPF and what parts of the body we often forget to protect.

Sun protection it's not just a matter of preventing burns; it is about long-term care for our health. By regularly applying a cream with a protective factor, wearing hats and clothes that protect against the sun, and choosing wisely the time we spend in the sun, we can enjoy the beauty of summer without negative consequences for our health. Don't let sunburn ruin your summer, learn the right one instead use of sun protection and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Photo: Mikhail/Pexels

When to apply SPF cream

It is best to use an SPF cream at least 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure. This allows the cream to fully absorb into the skin and begin to work. The cream should have an SPF of at least 30, as this provides protection against most UVA and UVB rays. It is recommended to reapply the cream every two hours, especially after swimming, sweating or wiping with a towel. Remember that the sun's rays are the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., withat this time it is especially important to be careful and stay in the shade if necessary.

Photo: Grabowska/Pexels

Which parts of the body we often forget to protect

When we protect ourselves from the sun, we often forget about some parts of the body that are just as exposed to harmful UV rays. These areas include ears, on which many people forget to apply cream, even though they are directly exposed to the sun. We also often forget about eyelids and around the eyes, where the skin is very sensitive. Here it is important to use a cream suitable for this area or to wear sunglasses with UV protection.

Lips, which are particularly sensitive to sunburn, should be protected with a lip balm with SPF protection. Neck and neckline are often exposed and need regular cream application. Also the tops of the feet, especially when wearing open shoes or while staying at the beach, should not be overlooked. Finally, back of knees and hands, which often face the sun when we sit or lie down, can burn quickly, so don't forget to apply cream to these areas as well.

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