
Learn to stand up for yourself and say NO!

Photo: envato

It is important that you are aware of your qualities! It's time to boost your self-esteem!

What is the difference between self-esteem and confidence? Can one exist without the other? The fact is that without self-esteem we cannot be or justify self-confidence.

Self-respect is defined as the respect you feel for yourself. It is not arrogance or a sense of superiority in relation to others, but a sense of a healthy relationship based on valuing and awareness of one's own worth.

It helps you build more positive self-image, which has a positive effect on your self-confidence.

To increase self-esteem, it is important to work on strengthening your sense of self-worth, because if you do not believe that you are worthy enough, it will be difficult for you to feel respect for yourself.

Set yourself up healthy boundaries in relationships if you don't allow others to treat you disrespectfully and give too much.


When building self-esteem, it is also important to work on strengthening self-discipline. Just as other people won't respect you if they perceive you as a person who lacks your own attitude and character, you won't respect yourself if you don't stand by your decisions, promises, and goals.

Think for a moment whether would respect a person who never keeps his word, makes decisions that he never implements…?

It is self-discipline that gives strength to your character. The more you strengthen it, the more you will respect yourself, the more you will believe in yourself and your ability to stick to your goals and decisions even in the face of obstacles.


When you achieve them, you will be proud of yourself, just like every time you step out of your comfort zone and stand up for yourself, stay true to yourself and act according to your values and integrity.

You must remember that it is very difficult to build a positive self-image and feel respect for yourself if you are constantly criticizing, judging and belittling yourself. If you have very low self-esteem and sense of self-worth, you can turn to a psychotherapist for help.

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